You know this place was 20 about miles from where I went to college at WEST VIRGINIA WESLEYAN COLLEGE. It is called the TRANS-ALLEGHENY LUNATIC ASYLUM.You guessed it, it is where they used to keep CRAZY people. No I didn't used to live there. My ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY used to say something about the first ever LOBOTOMY being performed there. Not a flattering legacy.
storied past. With all the ABUSE that used to go on in mental health, it is not hard to imagine multiple ghost tales. The hauntings have even landed the institution on national TV a few times. In fact this fall it is going to be featured on the season premiere and 200th episode of GHOST HUNTERS on SCI-FY..
One thing all these ghost-type shows to do to give themselves credibility, an air of believe-ability is to try and DEBUNK the sighting, just to see if MAYBE there was a REASONABLE explanation for the sightings. That minimum level of scientific standards has not been used in LYNN'S UNACCOMPANIED MINOR SIGHTINGS. Instead MAYOR JUDY has been presenting GHOSTS as actual sightings (what did I tell you about LAWYERS) and weaving a web of BOOGIE TALES to be told around the campfire started up by HATERS and RACISTS. That is not to say there aren't real concerns and real PROBLEMS but let's roll up our sleeves and deal with what we can, what in the end we have to.
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