FY13 Original Figures
- Required NSS: $168,333,399
- Reported amount spent: $159,747,443
- Amount below requirement: $8,585,956
- Amount carried forward and added to FY14: $8,285,391
- Amount of penalty: $300,565
FY13 Updated Figures
- Required NSS: $168,333,399
- Actual amount spent: $158,780,042
- Amount below requirement: $9,553,357
- Amount carried forward and added to FY14: $8,285,391
- Amount of new penalty: $1,267,966
FY14 Updated Figures
- Required NSS: $182,057,577 (Includes the $8,285,391 carried forward from FY13)
- Budgeted amount spent: $168,807,112
- Amount below requirement: $13,250,465
- Amount to be carried forward and added to FY15: $8,688,609
- Amount of penalty: $4,561,856
FY15 Required NSS: $190,452,724 (includes carried forward amount)
If you want to check out the numbers your self, here you go. After cataract surgery yesterday it's clear to me "WE ARE IN TROUBLE!"

Compliance With Net School Spending Requirements - School Finance: Chapter 70 Program
The Commonwealth's school finance statute, Chapter 70 of the General Laws, establishes an annual "net school spending" requirement for each Massachusetts school district. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in non-approval of a municipality's tax rate, enforcement action by the Attorn…
Lori D'Amico
Roger from the DESE informed me of the penalty amounts. The FY15 $181,764,115 figure is based on the preliminary ones that were released in January, which Roger told me "are certain to be the final amounts for FY15." I then added the expected carry forward from FY14 to that figure for the new expected FY15 NSS of over $190 million.
Of course these figures will most likely change if or when the legislation passes.
My guess is Judy and Peter Caron will not be using these REAL figures at Thursday's meeting and will be using their own hopeful figures
But I will be quoting these REAL ones at open mic!!
I sent the same email to the SC and Dr. Latham
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