![]() | Melissa Romaniello for Lynn School Committee: A question from the audience.
I hate to say it but I am not afraid to say it, your revenue idea is a real bust. Homeowners don't pay the taxes out of the goodness of their hearts, That part of the anatomy is not related to their pocketbooks.
No the cost of the property tax is recouped through the rents. Raise the taxes raise the rents.
Since I hope I made it simple enough for you to see and since renters are already paying taxes indirectly, hitting them with a rental tax is like DOUBLE taxation.
You see, it's not so much about raising more money as about better spending what we have.
Again, you're welcome for the cliques.
Here is why I think it will not affect rental rates.
ReplyDeleteThe rates are equivalent to Boston because, believe me or not, Section 8 housing has raised the rental market rate to beyond a maximum. Lets say more than 50% of renters are on Section 8. Property owners cannot increase rent, because they receive a standard. Therefore Section 8 is controlling the rental market rate, not taxes.
Why can't I get Section 8? Seriously though, philosophically it would be double taation. And whaT ABOUT THE 50% of us not on Section 8. Wow 50% is it really that high?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteGreat point, Katerina.
DeleteStan, ideas are good. The more ideas on the table the better. I'm not saying that any of my ideas will fly. But at least I'm putting ideas out there. I don't have any control over taxation, nor do I have designs to. Neighbor to Neighbor asked "Where will more money come from?" and I answered. I'll concede the remainder of my three minutes so you can answer the question.
Don't you have bigger fish to fry? Aren't we on the same side? You're gonna fry me when Capano, Ford and Gallo are out there swimming around?
The other 50% are paying high rent at Section 8 standards. It is not fair for those who are paying out of pocket as it is now.
DeleteLynn lost the owner of a bookstore downtown to Jamaica Plain because the rent was equivalent there, and it was closer to his work in Boston.
Lynn lost a poet/rapper to Salem, because the rent is Lynn is unaffordable.
Others I know are about to be homeless.
This proposal wouldn't include owner-occupied homes.
Why can't you get Section 8? Your probably on a long waiting list, and when it is your time, you'll probably be moved to another city where the opening is.
Why are you throwing Melissa under the bus on a nonrelated school issue? We need her on the School Committee. :)
I might even say it is closer to 80%.
DeleteStanley, If Section 8 draws your number and you must move to another city, what is your position if you are elected to serve 2 years on School Committee? Which will you choose?
DeleteUnderstanding your voucher will be for Lynn, but if there is an opening somewhere else will you go?
DeleteIf elected I am here snd actually I am probably here anyway. I have no clue where I am on the voucher list. There are probably thousands. I am on the emergency list for Lynn and have been for a year. I'm talking about the Lynn Housing Authority. It is crazy to have two compeing systems. Every time there is a FIRE somebody or a whole building jumps ahead of me.
DeleteMelissa, ideas are only good when they are good ideas...if your ideas clearly don't make sense then it just makes you look uneducated. Before I read your list of answers to N2N I was on the fence about voting for you, you didn't provide any compelling reasons to do so up through now. And now with the list of answers that you provided to N2N, ESPECIALLY the one where you would eliminate a teaching position in each school, has enabled me be quite certain that I will not be voting for you. Bring good researched and educated ideas to the table, those are the only ones that matter. At this point, don't be so certain that Capano, Ford, and Gallo will be out there swimming around.
ReplyDeleteGallo? Lets start with Gallo. He steals Melissa's efforts as his own accomplishment.
DeleteThat's an interesting statement. Which of Melissa's efforts has Gallo stolen to make his own?
DeleteWell we can start with him taking the credit for school committee meetings being video recorded. Melissa was doing that long before Gallo sat on the committee. Gallo always tries to take credit for the ideas and work of others. He even tried to take credit for there being no layoffs since he has been on the committee. Really Gallo, really?
DeleteIs that why Gallo didn't get a clapping cheer at the debate?
DeleteI'm already out here. I have nothing to lose. Again, I took the time to answer the questions where I don't see that anyone else did. Not only did I answer them, I'm being transparent and letting my constituents know what I think. Who else is doing that?
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to be able to be everything to everyone. I'm ok with that. What I am going to be is a voice for parents on the committee - if you don't want to vote for that, fine.
Eliminating a teaching position may never come to fruition. I hope it doesn't have to. Just like I hope we don't see another school fail during this administration, not to mention the five additional schools that sunk to Level 3. N2N asked really hard questions and I looked at our existing models to see how they achieved similar results. Again, Dr. Crane eliminated one teaching position to fund an entire community worth of ESL night classes and child care so those parents could attend. Yes, her kiddos lost one teacher, her entire community was strengthen in the process.
Sometimes people need to make really hard decisions in order to move forward. I'm not saying anything I propose will be THE answer. I'm saying that when push comes to shove, I'll make decisions that strengthen our community as a whole, even if they are tough decisions. And I’ll be transparent in the process.
Transparency is wonderful. But educated decisions are equally wonderful. Removing a teaching position from each school will only increase the student teacher ratio and our students can't afford that. There are ways to strengthen communities without hitting the kids below the belt. Why not hit the absurd administrative salaries or even finding grant funding? Eliminating direct classroom services is never the answer to any problem.
DeleteGood idea to post answers. Walmart might come after me, although they already know my deal.
DeleteIf you had read my answers, you would have seen that I also spoke about eliminating administrative salaries.
ReplyDeleteThats why Judith Stewart (Latham) doesn't like your answers.
DeleteTell me, how educated of a decision is it to believe that your greatest responsibility as a School Committee member is to support the Superintendent, as Capano and Ford stated?
ReplyDeleteI'll help you out. Here is the direct link.
Melissa, this is the world of politics. You cannot and will not please everyone or get everyone to agree with and support your ideas and efforts. However, like you said, at least you took the time and answered the questions openly and honestly and didn't just ramble off answers that you thought people would want to hear, which is what most candidates do. I definitely would not pay attention to anything negative posted by someone 'anonymous'. If a person lacks the maturity and courage to leave their name, I would not be bothered by them. You probably never had their vote to begin with. In fact, they probably don't even get out there and actually vote. It's so much easier to post comments on a blog anonymously. I admire your courage and dedication to take a stand and put yourself out there in hopes of making the essential changes needed in our school district.
ReplyDeleteThanks Lori.
DeleteLet me just make it clear who I am, I am Judith Stewart who is a tax payer of the city and have three children in the public schools. I post as anonymous because I don't have a blog, google account, or url. Melissa, you can go ahead and bash everyone on the school committee and administration to make yourself look better, but in the process you are just making yourself look worse. I read somewhere that you have a child at KIPP, is that a result of giving up on our school system? If you weren't successful at working with the school teachers and administrators to give your child the best education when he was in the public school what makes you think you'll be successful on the school committee? I've worked with the school with every issue I've ever had and succeeded in the process. Committee members should not be on or against anyone's side, they should be on the committee with an open mind, you are so anti Dr. Latham and other administrators that it's sad to listen to you run your mouth. Having you on our school committee would be a disgrace to our city, you just love the sound of your own voice and when put up against the wall you call out your dogs. Your dogs won't be on the committee with you, what are you going to do then?
DeleteHi Judith,
DeleteIt's interesting, after a quick Google, facebook, Whitepages and Spokeo search, I can’t find a Judith Stewart in Lynn, MA.
I too had three kids in the public schools. My oldest two now attend KIPP, and my youngest is still in the public school.
I am also a tax payer, here in the city.
I'm not bashing. Not even close.
Like you, I've worked with the schools, and been successful, on every issue I have brought to them concerning my own children and the kiddos in the community that I help.
I'm not anti-Latham. I'm pro-parents, pro-kids, pro-community. They shouldn’t be mutually exclusive.
You're right. Committee members shouldn't be on one side or another. Unfortunately that is not the climate we currently have. I am trying to change the odds in the parents' and children's favor.
Are you seriously postulating that Rick, Maria and Donna won’t be on the school committee? And they aren't my "dogs". They are good people fighting for us.
And, Judith, I'm not running for me. I'm running to make sure that parents have a voice in the education of their children and that they are heard and listened to. I want parents to know and feel that they matter and that their contributions are welcomed and appreciated. I'm hoping their voice will be heard, not my own.
Judith, That is a passionate statement on a candidate who wishes to JOIN a team of school comittee members. You think Latham is a team player? hahahaha thanks for the laugh
DeleteYou don't need a blog,google account or url to use your name when you post. You simply post your name. I would guess that if she or anyone else sends their kid to KIPP or any other school other than a public one in Lynn then the reason would be because Lynn schools could not give their kids the education they needed and deserve. I don't know, that is just my guess. Exactly what issue have you had with the school department and exactly who did you work with and succeed? And my dear, you are sadly mistaken about school committee members. They actually should be on a side and that is the side of the residents of Lynn who ELECTED them to REPRESENT the residents. Why shouldn't Melissa or anyone else be anti Dr. Latham and administrators? Afterall, they are the leaders of these underperforming and failing schools and this failing district. Should she or anyone be pro Dr. Latham? Should we be supporting and rewarding Dr. Latham for being a failure and for running our failing schools and district? Funny Judith Stewart, but I don't recall ever hearing your name EVER or meeting you EVER at a single school event, school committee meeting, public hearing, etc. So I think it's you my dear who needs to stop running your mouth!
DeleteSo what her kid goes to KIPP. Melissa will be able to bring her experience to the table in helping the public schools. After all isn't that what she is signed up for?
DeleteHow about asking good questions?
Wouldn't it be wonderful if Melissa brought the KIPP program to public schools, and charter schools be done with?
DeleteThere is program in the state called innovation schools. The staff of a school votes to become one. In effect salaries are reduced and programming is increased. It may take some arm wrestling, but WHO WOULDNT VOTE THIS FOR THE CHILDREN? If teachers do not vote for it, why are they employed if they do not care about their subjects?
You have been misinformed. You need to obtain your facts from the source. Directly from the source. Ford School has a night school because the principal chooses to use Title I money to fund it. No teacher was replaced. Teachers could have been hired to teach reading,etc and provide services directly to the students. Instead the money is used to fund night school. Twisted facts. Would you replace a retiring teacher when there are 30 kids Ina class now? That's not how schools work. And you have unions to deal with whether tyou like it or not. I guess contracts can eventually be changed if that is your ultimate goal but don't make it sound like you can change things in a heartbeat when you don't know what you are talking about .
ReplyDeleteAgain, I spoke directly with Dr. Crane about how she funded her programs. Maybe I got it wrong. But, I'll ask her again.
DeleteI never said that a "teacher was replaced" or fired for that matter. Dr. Crane's wording was "forfeited".
And teachers were hired there to teach reading. This is direct from the Superintendent and confirmed by Dr. Crane. The Superintendent gave the schools a choice: a Librarian or a Reading Specialist. Ford was the only school that opted for a Reading Specialist.
I'm not looking to change the teacher's contracts. N2N asked where funding would come from. One source that has worked is forfeiting a teaching position. Again, this is akin to letting a school fail in order to receive funding. No one wants that. No one wants to forfeit teaching positions.
I'm not going to change your minds and I'm good with that. I think your posts are far more telling than my own.
Simply to end the dilema, the bumping game has to STOP. It is ridiculous, Absurd, self promoting no good system.
DeleteWow! Lots of attention here. Melissa, you can thank Stanley for the free press.
ReplyDeleteSometimes it's best not even to respond to people like this woman who calls herself Judith Stewart. From her comments, it's clear to anyone who really knows about the schools and district that she is clueless. Save your energy on people who at least have a clue.
ReplyDeleteLatham is clueless?
DeleteLucy, I couldn't have said it better. When Melissa is elected to the School Committee,positive change will happen!
DeleteWhat I personally think is funny is that you put yourself in the same league as Rick, Maria and Donna. You are so far out of your league. You aren't even in Stanley's league, the one that you claim to be teaming up with. You are only holding onto their coattails and praying that people don't see right through you.
ReplyDeleteYou sound afraid. Afraid of what'll happen when Rick, Maria and Donna get their forth vote. This year it would've meant opening the Superintendent's position, no second Deputy-Super and Kevin McHugh wouldn't have received a raise.
DeleteAll sound like good things for Lynn.
You see I'm not afraid of the 4th vote, I am a strong supporter of Rick, Maria, and Donna. It's Melissa who I'm not a supporter of, she is not the person those other three are, not by a long shot. I think they just might get their forth vote, but that would come from Stanley. He has taken the time to educate himself on school matters and has very thought provoking ideas. All Melissa has is Lori.
Delete(Anonymous 4:00) What I personally think is funny is that you actually think you or anything you have to say matters. You post as anonymous.Therefore,that is what you are....anonymous,a nobody!
DeleteYou may not care about people who are annonymous "Anilese", but Melissa sure should. If she claims that she wants to be a representative of the parents and students, as a committee member, she will represent many who are annonymous, it shouldn't matter who they are. There are many annonymous voters who will determine if she does or doesn't get a seat on the committee, trust me we do matter. How about if you let her respond instead of running to her rescue "Anilese", you are simply making her look worse in the process. If she's needing to reach for a lifejacket now, she is sure to drown if elected.
DeleteI am not running to her rescue. Like you, I am posting my opinion. It just happens to be that people like you who sit staring and posting on a blog all day spewing nonsense without having the guts to identify yourself are meaningless. If you don't want to vote for Melissa, then don't. There are many others who will. Whether you chose to believe it or not, Melissa has many more people on her side besides Lori. I will not be responding to any further comments you post. I have better things to do with my time than debate with anonymous people. By the way, anonymous only has 1 n.
DeleteIt's funny because while you say you don't have time to sit staring and posting all day, you are! haha! Just because you write "Anilese" as your name, you could be just about anyone, like me :) Thank you for pointing out my spelling error, I'm human and make mistakes. Hmm, just like the mistake you are making for continuing not to allow Melissa to stick up for herself. Rescue, rescue, we need your help, shit is getting deep!!!!
DeleteC'mon Anon, Its hard changing costumes from agitated parent of failing school system to official problem solver. Take the chip off your shoulder and get to know her at least.
DeleteWow, the comments on this post are off the charts. I am going to make one more and then I am done, I would give a little advice to my BFF - READ LORI'S COMMENT. Politics is not for the thin skinned.No one is harder on me than I am on myself. Getting upset only makes them win and you fire out answers from emotional positions and not logical ones.
ReplyDeleteGood morning Stan,
DeleteI only got a quick sec. before I have to hop in the shower and go to work. These nay-sayers don't bother me. I want to make sure they have the correct info. and aren't kicking around rumors.
What bothers me is you, and I think you know that. You and I are on the same team, and I think you forgot that along the way. I'm not firing out answers from emotional positions, but yes, I am mad at you. I'm passionate about schools, especially considering that my kiddos still go.
What I want you to think about Stan is that these Anons what us divided. Why? Because they want status quo kept. We need out of the box ideas, or next year instead of five more Level 3 schools - we'll have five more Level 4 schools.
I don't want to respond to that for fear you will say more and hurt yourself more.
DeleteNo need to attack anyone at both ends. Stanley is more educated than most candidates but this doesn't mean he is the only 4th vote. There are 6 positions available. Each candidate should not be a clone of the other, but be able to bring different ideas and communicate well with each other and the public.
ReplyDeleteAh com'on let them fight, it does wonders for my numbers. Who needs to be a 4th vote when apparently I am THE vote. Paranoia and jealousy make a dangerous cocktail.
DeleteOh com'on, we need a ring referee if it is like that. You can't be it. lol
ReplyDeleteThis thread is both enlightening and entertaining to say the least. Glad I already knew who I was voting for, and this thread just confirmed it all for me.
ReplyDeleteDid someone say cocktails?
Also confirmed for me who I'm voting for .
ReplyDeleteMELISSA .
She really cares and will do everything POSSIBLE to help our kids !
I am not saying she doesn't care for the students, it's just the manner in which she's going about this whole campaign. I didn't know who Melissa was before the campaign started, so I made it a point to read everything I could and watch the forum that they had on tv, and it's very evident that she doesn't have enough knowledge in all the aspects of the school system, much of her beliefs stem from what committee members and other candidates have already said. And then there's the way she carries herself, yikes! This thread confirmed my thought in that regard, it's hard to respect someone who carries herself in this way. She has a lot of educating to do before the elections, and a lot of brushing up on her mannerisms if she wants a chance at a spot on the committee. I'm anxious to see how it all plays out.
DeleteIt would help if she came out and said what she really thought, and not worry about offending anyone like Rick. He isn't always right.
DeleteI don't always understand Maria either.
DeleteInnovation Schools... Yes or No or something like this? I want to hear an answer and reason from each candidate. Stanley, if you agree, would you kindly address this and ask others to answer the question? Thanks