I am so glad Cleo is out there, asking good, thoughtful questions. I don't think I could do it. Besides it frees me up to be irreverent and irresponsible and able to ask the questions everybody wants the answers to but most of the administrators don't want anyone to have the answers to. Have I said she's better looking than me to?
STEM-based K-3 school with proposed partnerships with MIT, GE, and GORDON COLLEGE. Sounds interesting but I don't know how innovative this new innovation school will be. You see, we kind of already have it.
It's better than that. It's a K-5 school and has all those partnerships but has ones in addition with NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, SALEM STATE UNIVERSITY, HARVARD UNIVERSITY, HILLEL ACADEMY and probably some others I'm missing. Oh yeah it would have participated in a partnership with TUFTS UNIVERSITY if DR. LATHAM hadn't quashed that study.
It has a fully staffed library now and doesn't depend on some disabled poet to check out books. It has a garden which is maintained by an active group of neighbors called the HIGHLANDS COALITION, together they have produced award winning vegetables. That same garden has even been the subject of a network news story. I am sure I have neglected to mention a few accolades.
Where is this school and I wish my kids went there? Wait a minute, they did. I'm talking about the FORD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.
It's already crowded, almost 600 kids ....
had we not lost the annex a couple of years ago, the K-8 model could have probably significantly eased the current crowding problems at MARSHALL and BREED. I saw figures that could have made the proposal pretty much revenue neutral but the political will was not there. Oh our HONORABLE MAYOR payed lip service to studying the proposal more, but like a cheap wireless carrier, the service was dropped.
Now we are trying to reinvent the wheel and claim we got a new tire.
Thanks for sharing! I'll continue to be there asking questions, writing letters to the Item and SC members for as long as it takes.