written (or copy and pasted) solely by Stanley H. Wotring, Jr. I am not a representative of the LSC (BUT I WANT TO BE!} nor are they responsible for the content. My email address is ***Lynn.School.Watch@gmail.com***. TIME TO GET SERIOUS!
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Saturday, November 12, 2016
Friday, November 11, 2016
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Was almost ready to the WATCH say good-bye
Off to the sunset I did try.
But a BOMBSHELL the DESE did drop
So my sudden retirement I did stop!
Now I am not so fast to go
In order I might say, "I told you so".
Might soon become the rule
Cause the Mayor has been estimating low
Just to play you all for a fool.
So into receivership we go
Thanks to JUDY our fiscal tool.
Plenty of city raises to show
But almost doubling her own salary was the crown jewel.
From here where will we go?
The answer to that question
Certainly won't be COOL!
By THOMAS GRILLO LYNN — The state Department of Education is threatening…
Friday, October 28, 2016
The Disability Law Center (DLC) is the Protection and Advocacy system for Massachusetts. Our mission is to provide legal advocacy on disability issues that p...
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Monday, October 24, 2016
Photo by @SOPublicSchools
Massachusetts voters will decide on November 8 whether to increase the number of charter schools in the state, or not. Question 2 on the ballot proposes to expand the number of charter schools in underperforming school districts throughout the state. The genesis of charter schools in our nation is part of the wider school reform agenda that emerged from the denigration of government in general, and public schools in particular, beginning with Ronald Reagan’s 1981 inaugural address and the publication of the National Commission on Excellence in Education report A Nation at Risk in 1983. In today’s political environment, it is important to fact-check before deciding whether to vote yes or no on this question.
Political leaders have denigrated traditional public schools for decades. When the results of the 2012 Programme for International Student Assessment, or PISA, were released, Arne Duncan, then US Secretary of Education, declared that the results for the United States “are straightforward and stark: It is a picture of educational stagnation.” While Duncan and others focused on our “mean scores,” a more in-depth analysis presented a very different picture.
Of the American students who sat for PISA, 38 percent were from the two lowest socioeconomic categories. That is by far the largest percentage of low-income test-takers among all of our comparative nations. (The highest scorers, like Shanghai, Singapore, and Finland, had almost no low-income test-takers.) The United States has a higher percentage of low-income students in our public schools than any of the comparative nations in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In an important way, that is a good thing, because in many of the highest scoring nations, low-income students do not attend school.
But it is incontrovertible that students from low-income families and communities throughout the world score far lower than students from more advantaged families and communities on these tests. So it is not surprising that our average scores are far lower. American public schools with fewer than 10 percent low-income students score at the very top on PISA. And low-income US students score higher than all other low-income groups outside the United States on PISA. But nobody knows that. The actual news about American schools is way better than the misleading headlines.
Driven by the incomplete and deceptive interpretation of test scores like PISA, public schools have been subjected to oppressive, top-down, one-size-fits-all school reforms such as Common Core Standards. This has deprofessionalized teaching and demoralized teachers. The development of charter schools is a major response to the perception that our public schools are lousy.
It is easy for charter advocates to grab the moral high ground in this debate. Poor parents should have the kind of good school choices that more middle- and upper-class parents have. The freedom to innovate and share the results with all public schools is a great idea. Healthy competition is good for all schools. I have seen excellent and humane charters, full of hardworking, talented, and idealistic faculty and staff. However, I have also seen too many charters that raise serious concerns.
Too many charter schools are test-prep factories with very rigid and rote academic formats. Too many are characterized by harsh punitive cultures; “no excuses” practices misunderstand the developmental nature of children and the impact of poverty on children. Many charters exclude children—in formal and informal ways—who jeopardize the academic profile of the school. Charter school teachers and leaders do not send their own children to their schools; wealthy supporters of charters often send their children to private schools with cultures that are the opposite of the rigid charter cultures. And charters have a dismal record of retaining both teachers and leaders.
Perhaps the least known characteristic of charters is that our taxes are taken from our public schools and enrich private investors. Typically, charter schools operate as nonprofits. However, the buildings in which they operate are generally owned by private landlords who benefit financially from taxes that are transferred to the operation of charters.
David Brain, head of the large real estate investment firm Entertainment Properties Trust at the time, appeared on CNBC in 2012 to tell audiences just how lucrative charter school investment has become. In response to a question about the most profitable sector in real estate investment, he said, “Well, I think probably the charter school business.”
There are better ways to reinvigorate our public schools. We should develop additional low-income housing in all suburbs so that many more low-income children can attend integrated schools with proven cultures of success. We can develop additional magnet, pilot, and “schools within schools” in public school districts, which provide additional autonomy for teachers and leaders. We should renegotiate teacher tenure so that teachers are hired for three years of probationary service—exactly the way it is today—and then granted four-year contracts, similar to the way we hire and retain public school principals and superintendents. “School-based accountability” should hold whole schools, not individual teachers, responsible for the academic, social and emotional, and civic progress of students over time.
And let’s pay teachers who work in schools with a preponderance of children from low-income families significantly more, and create working conditions in those schools that provide the kinds of services and support that more advantaged children receive from their schools, families, and communities.
There are 81 charter schools in Massachusetts. They should continue and prove themselves over time, not only by annual test scores, but by retention of faculty and leaders and the success of their graduates. If charters demonstrate their value, then perhaps we can revisit Question 2.
Robert Weintraub (SED’86), a School of Education research professor of educational leadership and policy studies, can be reached at rjtraub@bu.edu.
“POV” is an opinion page that provides timely commentaries from students, faculty, and staff on a variety of issues: on-campus, local, state, national, or international. Anyone interested in submitting a piece, which should be about 700 words long, should contact Rich Barlow at barlowr@bu.edu. BU Today reserves the right to reject or edit submissions. The views expressed are solely those of the author and are not intended to represent the views of Boston University.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Brian LaPierre checked in to LaPierre Lynn At-Large, Lynn City Council.
Next PMS public meeting:
The next Public Forum for the new Pickering will take place on Wednesday, November 2nd at 7:00 P.M. It is now being held in the Pickering Auditorium. Public notification of this meeting will be going out from city hall and flyers will be made available for distribution shortly.
Political Organization · Lynn
Monday, October 17, 2016
Union Hospital is closing because it doesn't generate enough profit yet Partners Healthcare can afford to make a six figure contribution to the charter school expansion ballot measure...give us a break! Join us this Thurs. at 9:30AM to expose Partners and their corporate greed.
Thu 9:30 AM · Lynn
Fighting over sites provides a convienent distraction
From last spring's OUI infraction.
The problem had little spice
Considering there was another vice.
But considered private and personal
Instead of an offense moral.
So what message do we send
On what to priorities we lend.
From last spring's OUI infraction.
The problem had little spice
Considering there was another vice.
But considered private and personal
Instead of an offense moral.
So what message do we send
On what to priorities we lend.
The biggest problem I see here is not with this particular location but with the underlying problem with our education as a whole. As I kept repeating in my illfated campaign for school committee three years ago, "We are not going to build our way out of this problem/ After MARSHALL we have almost a quarter of a BILLION dollars worth of construction waiting in the wings for urgent replacement". We have elementery schools built in the 1800's.
Somebody will not be happy, that is a guarantee.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Friday, October 14, 2016
So now there is a new building usage policy that allows for the proportional sharing of the cost of the janitor if two different groups are using the school building at the same time. Seems that cost has added up to some big, cost prohibitive numbers real fast.
Probably most in danger of was the ADULT ENRICHMENT stuff and the E TEAM. Those janitor fees can add up really quickly, just ask LYNN YOUTH SOCCER. I am not privy to any numbers but I do hear grumblings.
The most telling thing about the discussion last night was highlighted in LSC member Atty. JARED NICHOLSON who said basically, "This all that we can do". See the fees are structured in such a way that most people can fall into some predetermined category they get to actually get to use the building rent-free.
The real expense comes from the cost of the janitor and if you just started reading my blog, let me say again, " The janitors are not LPS employees". No, they have been outsourced to the city who in turn have outsourced some of those services around the union to a private cleaning company. This model kind of parallels the same kind of practices done with mortgages in the housing crisis. How did that work out?
Probably most in danger of was the ADULT ENRICHMENT stuff and the E TEAM. Those janitor fees can add up really quickly, just ask LYNN YOUTH SOCCER. I am not privy to any numbers but I do hear grumblings.
The most telling thing about the discussion last night was highlighted in LSC member Atty. JARED NICHOLSON who said basically, "This all that we can do". See the fees are structured in such a way that most people can fall into some predetermined category they get to actually get to use the building rent-free.
The real expense comes from the cost of the janitor and if you just started reading my blog, let me say again, " The janitors are not LPS employees". No, they have been outsourced to the city who in turn have outsourced some of those services around the union to a private cleaning company. This model kind of parallels the same kind of practices done with mortgages in the housing crisis. How did that work out?
Thursday, October 13, 2016
At last night's LTVI JOINT GENERAL ADVISORY AND SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT COUNCIL MEETING I learned something I already knew but it applies to not only TECH but to schools across the district.
It illustrates the sad reality of the distortion of data leading to a less than accurate reflection. Even though some significant gains were made in the MCAS data, I'm not sure if we are that much closer to moving from a LEVEL 3 school to a LEVEL 2 school. The reason being since the LEVEL system has you ranked against each other INSTEAD of whether or not actual learning is taking place you're placed in the position of rooting for other schools to be bad to elevate your standing.
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