According to today's ITEM the impending finacial ARMEGEDON is no BIG deal.. We are expected to believe the legislature is going to quickly solve what they haven;t been able to do in twenty years. We are supposed to believe that legislators from all the districts that are fnding their own district's schools are going to VOTE to put their constituents on the HOOK for OUR bills.
They are so confident that they would vote to look into renting another building or at least a floor or two while voting to turn over the old New Medico building back over to the city since the SPED offices were moved to and consolidated into the BENNETT STREET building (this was a good move) thereby leaving that building vacant
Before being voied on in a unaminous vote to trn that building over to the city (like a HOT potato,to be whipped up), LSC member DONNA wanted to be sure we couldn't use the space to relieve some of the overcrowding. Oh no, she was that the old building was not suited for any K-12 students. ISD chief MIKE DONOVAN had assured them. Funny though that is the same thing they were told about the space they want to rent from the EDIC(the BLOOD BUILDING).
So I may be wrong in this analogy but it wouldn't be the first time. Instead of puttinh money from the right hand into the left hand, it would now go from the right hand into the pocket of someone else. Just want to make you think!
written (or copy and pasted) solely by Stanley H. Wotring, Jr. I am not a representative of the LSC (BUT I WANT TO BE!} nor are they responsible for the content. My email address is ******. TIME TO GET SERIOUS!
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Friday, February 28, 2014
So we are NOT EXACTLY out of LEVEL 4 yet! Normally I might have made such a volitile and inflammatory statement substantiated only in my imagination. This time though I have DR. LATHAM as a source. Okay she didn't tell me exactly but she did say it on LIVE TV.
It happened during the BUILDING AND GROUNDS SUBCOMMITTEE meeting. You see when she was trying to justify the need to rent additional space for ADULT EDUCATION. Because of CONNERY and HARRINGTON'S LEVEL 4 designation they were required to have an ESL support teacher for parents.
Sounds a little fishy to me. Makes me wonder just what we who we can trust!
It happened during the BUILDING AND GROUNDS SUBCOMMITTEE meeting. You see when she was trying to justify the need to rent additional space for ADULT EDUCATION. Because of CONNERY and HARRINGTON'S LEVEL 4 designation they were required to have an ESL support teacher for parents.
Sounds a little fishy to me. Makes me wonder just what we who we can trust!
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Marilyn Deleon gets recognized at the School Committee meeting tonight for being selected as the Marshall Ambassador to Project 351. Here she is with her father receiving a certificate from the Mayor of Lynn, Honorable Judith Flanagan-Kennedy. To the left is Superintendent Dr. Latham. Congratulations Marilyn! Keep making Marshall proud of you!
She spoke eloquently at OPEN-MIKE. It was all about ACCOUNTABILITY and RESPONSIBILITY. I love it!
Attended the Lynn School Committee meeting today. It was great to be in good company and see Lori D'Amico, Natasha Megie-Maddrey, and Jesse Jaeger whom I've met through Lynn Parents Organizing for a Better Education. Get involved, stay informed, and "like" their Facebook page! I recently have become involved with this group and it has been an educational experience to say the least. I have met some wonderful people who care dearly about our children's education and are working collaboratively to create positive change/solutions.
Gee, I learned a lot about why they are having so much trouble mastering that whole NET SCHOOL SPENDING stuff. The MAYOR, the CITY COUNCIL, and the LSC just need more practice, MALPRACTICE.
If this problem is not CRIMINAL, it ought to be. Maybe why the city shortchanged the schools was because there are people in charge that don't stand tall even if they have long necks
If this problem is not CRIMINAL, it ought to be. Maybe why the city shortchanged the schools was because there are people in charge that don't stand tall even if they have long necks
Grants sub officially approved establishing a fiduciary relationship with a non-profit, the Lynn Business Ed Foundation to be LPS'S financial friend and recieve any GRANT MONIES that we seek that require a 501 c 3 status. Sounds great and it is.....
why did it take this long? I've helped others, ie. HIGHLANDS COALITION and the NEW LYNN COALITION and we had RELATIONSHIPS which CHUCK was talking about Guess what it didn't take TWO or THREE years What's up CHUCK? How come it took so long?
why did it take this long? I've helped others, ie. HIGHLANDS COALITION and the NEW LYNN COALITION and we had RELATIONSHIPS which CHUCK was talking about Guess what it didn't take TWO or THREE years What's up CHUCK? How come it took so long?
Speak Out Against Under Funding Lynn Public Schools
LIL' LORI wants you to LISTEN and JOIN!
As reported in the Lynn Daily Item on February 14th, Lynn saw an $8.5 million shortfall in its state mandated public school spending during fiscal year 2013 (July 2012 - June 2013). If a city/town spends at least 95% of the required amount, there is no penalty and the remainder of the amount required but not spent is carried over to the next fiscal year. Because Lynn only spent 94.9% of its required spending, the city did incur a penalty last year; as a result of underspending, the city saw a $300,565 loss in state aid this school year.
If the budgeted spending for this school year (FY14) holds, the city will be $15,703,157 under its required spending which could result in a loss of $7,030,507 in state aid for the 2014-15 school year. This is a very serious matter. We are urging Lynn parents and concerned residents to attend the Lynn School Committee Meeting this Thursday, February 27th at 6:45pm (Location: 100 Bennett St.) to show your concern regarding this issue. The meeting will begin at 7pm but there is an Open Mike session scheduled for 6:45pm to allow for public comments. We are hoping that at least a few residents will speak up about this potentially devastating loss in state aid to our public schools. |
Man held without bail after allegedly stabbing two teens
For me, this story was a little hard to follow, too many conjuctives. It does however give me some EMPATHY for readers of my own writing style, meant to be an intrusion on your confusion.
What concerns me is the part -
where the ex-boyfriend worked in the weight room, when the current boyfriend began yelling at him.
Hello, my son goes to that school and sometimes works out in that weight room. I am wondering just what part the SCHOOL played in it. Rest easy TECHIES, when I say SCHOOL, I am speaking GLOBALLY and not SPECIFICALLY (that is unless somebody tells me otherwise).
You see, education is about more than scoring well on a test We LEARN our values. Yes the easy answer is to say these things should be learned at home, after all more time is spnt there than at school.
Yes that is right, sort of. If we factor in what seems to be a favorite hot-word, TIME-ON LEARNING, then when you take into account the time spent sleeping, going to school, and school-related activities, the time tends to balance out. There is plenty of responsibility to go around..
It has been said "An unexamined life is not worth living", maybe the key to staying alive is to examine.
For me, this story was a little hard to follow, too many conjuctives. It does however give me some EMPATHY for readers of my own writing style, meant to be an intrusion on your confusion.
What concerns me is the part -
where the ex-boyfriend worked in the weight room, when the current boyfriend began yelling at him.
Hello, my son goes to that school and sometimes works out in that weight room. I am wondering just what part the SCHOOL played in it. Rest easy TECHIES, when I say SCHOOL, I am speaking GLOBALLY and not SPECIFICALLY (that is unless somebody tells me otherwise).
You see, education is about more than scoring well on a test We LEARN our values. Yes the easy answer is to say these things should be learned at home, after all more time is spnt there than at school.
Yes that is right, sort of. If we factor in what seems to be a favorite hot-word, TIME-ON LEARNING, then when you take into account the time spent sleeping, going to school, and school-related activities, the time tends to balance out. There is plenty of responsibility to go around..
It has been said "An unexamined life is not worth living", maybe the key to staying alive is to examine.
Babies, buses, and blades
all together the new craze.
Consolidation was instrumental
in sacrifices developmental.
If all the dangers had been presented
would parents have consented?
all together the new craze.
Consolidation was instrumental
in sacrifices developmental.
If all the dangers had been presented
would parents have consented?
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
If taxes, we don't rise
then how's we gonna buys
us a new school?
Are we's being played for a fool?
See we gots this big debt
called school spending net.
Let this ol'poor boy give some FREE advice.
No matter how hard you try, YOU CAN'T SPEND MONEY TWICE!
then how's we gonna buys
us a new school?
Are we's being played for a fool?
See we gots this big debt
called school spending net.
Let this ol'poor boy give some FREE advice.
No matter how hard you try, YOU CAN'T SPEND MONEY TWICE!
Hmmmm.....doesn't this sound familiar (like word for word familiar)
This is the legislation that the letter is referring to.

To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court assembled:This is the legislation that the letter is referring to.

To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court assembled:This is the legislation that the letter is referring to.

To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court assembled:This is the legislation that the letter is referring to.

To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court assembled:This is the legislation that the letter is referring to.

To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court assembled:This is the legislation that the letter is referring to.

To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court assembled:This is the legislation that the letter is referring to.

To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court assembled:This is the legislation that the letter is referring to.
He may be quick with a joke
or to light up your smoke
but the truth may be told
in 50 shades of gray
How so,
you'll never know
but trust me to
show you the way.
Shining a little light
may cause a little fright
but you know what I say!
or to light up your smoke
but the truth may be told
in 50 shades of gray
How so,
you'll never know
but trust me to
show you the way.
Shining a little light
may cause a little fright
but you know what I say!
Dear Superintendent Latham:
As you know, the Commonwealth's school finance statute, Chapter 70 of the General Laws, establishes an annual minimum local contribution requirement for each Massachusetts school district. This local contribution, when added to a district's Chapter 70 aid, equals its "net school spending requirement". Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the loss of Chapter 70 aid, delays in the approval of your municipal tax rate by the Department of Revenue, and/or enforcement action by the Attorney General.
Lynn's End-of-Year Financial Report shows that the district did not meet its spending requirement in FY13. Its required net school spending was $168,333,399. Reported net school spending was $159,747,443, which was $8,585,956 below the requirement. Of that amount, $8,285,391 is carried forward and added to the FY14 formula requirement. The remaining $300,565 constitutes the net school spending penalty for FY13. Chapter 70 requires that these funds be repaid to the Commonwealth through reductions in the city's monthly local aid payments. Because we are more than halfway through this fiscal year, I will permit the repayments to be spread across both FY14 and FY15. The Department's School Finance staff will be in contact with your office and city officials to finalize the exact repayment schedule.
I am aware that Lynn is one of the communities that are not permitted under current law to count retired teachers' health insurance costs toward net school spending. Last year the Legislature considered but did not adopt a proposal to permit all communities to include such costs. If such legislation is enacted in the future, we will adjust districts' net school spending reports as required. But until and unless such legislation is enacted, we must implement the penalty as currently required by statute.
Lynn's FY14 Chapter 70 formula net school spending requirement is $173,772,186. The $8,285,391 carryover from FY13 is added to that amount, resulting in a total requirement of $182,057,577. Schedule 19 budget data show that the district plans to spend $166,338,461 which results in a shortfall of $15,719,116 or 9.05 percent. If actual FY14 spending were to match the amounts reported on this year's Schedule 19, then there would be an $8,688,609 carryover into FY14. THERE WOULD BE A CHAPTER 70 AID REDUCTION OF $7,030,507 IN FY15 BASED ON THE FY14 SPENDING.
If you have any questions concerning this information, please contact Roger Hatch in the School Finance unit at (781) 338-6527 (
Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D
Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education
c: Hon. Judith Flanagan Kennedy, Mayor, City of Lynn
As you all know I wrote DAN CAHILL, my COUNCIL PRESIDENT this morning about my GAVE concerns regarding the funding and consequently spending DISCREPANCIES. I was away from my computer but he PROMPTLY gave me answers to my questions or at least what passed for them. You know, FOLLOW THAT COMPANY LINE. Here is what he said"
Thanks for the email. I have a copy of the letter your forwarded me as it is a public document and therefore available for all to review. There is pending legislation at the state level we are hopeful will remedy this situation. The Mayor and State Delegation have met with DESE in attempting to find a resolution to this problem, with its origins dating back to 1994. The Mayor, Council, and Delegation are all in support of this legislation and are advocating for its passage. Lynn is not alone. Other communities are facing the same exact issue and are also advocating for a fix at the state level.
Let's look at what he said....
it is a public document and therefore available for all to review
Really now, if I hadn;t put it out there I wonder how many people would have had the chance to ACTUALLY eview it. You know, LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS. This why I received my mandate last election. My motto: BOMBS AWAY!
He says everybody is on board with finding a solution but as you read in the PENALTY LETTER, "THE BILLS, THEY COME DUE!"
We are supposed to find comfort in the fact they have been working on this problem fo TWENTY YEARS
attempting to find a resolution to this problem, with its origins dating back to 1994.
That doesn't give me a lot of confidence You would think they would have solved this problem BEFORE they asked the taxpayers to take on 92 MILLION DOLLARS in additional debt. That PENALTY LETTER sounded to me like they want their money and they are going to take it and its our HOPE that the legislature does something.
We are supposed to find solace in the fact we are not flying solo
Lynn is not alone. Other communities are facing the same exact issue and are also advocating for a fix at the state level.
DANNY BOY, let me give you a quick lesson in POLITICS. If there are enough of them, then they are US. So far, it doesn't look too good. Not fo the past TWENTY YEARS or so. I know this is probably just BIG CITY politics and a country bumpkin like me just can't understand. Still though, you think maybe somenody could have done a better job explaining before our taxpayers were asked to pile another 92 MILLION dollars in debt piled on to the 15 MILLION we already owe. This financial obligation didn't just sneak up on us!
Massachusetts Department of 2400 Elementary and Secondary Education 75 Pleasant Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148-4906 Telephone: (781) 338-3000 TTY: N.E. T. Relay 1-800-439-2370
Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D.
February 14, 2014
Catherine C. Latham, Superintendent Lynn School District
100 Bennett St
Lynn, MA, 01905-1201
Dear Superintendent Latham:
As you know, the Commonwealth's school finance statute, Chapter 70 of the General Laws, establishes an annual minimum local contribution requirement for each Massachusetts school district. This local contribution, when added to a district's Chapter 70 aid, equals its "net school spending requirement" Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the loss of Chapter 70 aid, delays in the approval of your municipal tax rate by the Department of Revenue, and/or enforcement action by the Attorney General.
Lynn's End-of-Year Financial Report shows that the district did not meet its spending requirement in FY13. Its required net school spending was $168,333,399. Reported net school spending was $159,747,443 which was $8,585,956 below the requirement. Of that amount $8,285,391 is carried forward and added to the FY14 formula requirement.
The remaining $300,565 constitutes the net school spending penalty for FY13. Chapter 70 requires that these funds be repaid to the Commonwealth through reductions in the city's monthly local aid payments. Because we are more than halfway through this fiscal year, I will permit the repayments to be spread across both FY14 and FY15. The Department's School Finance staff will be in contact with your office and city officials to finalize the exact repayment schedule.
I am aware that Lynn is one of the communities that are not permitted under current law to count retired teachers' health insurance costs toward net school spending. Last year the Legislature considered but did not adopt a proposal to permit all communities to include such costs. If such legislation is enacted in the future, we will adjust districts' net school spending reports as required. But until and unless such legislation is enacted, we must implement the penalty as currently required by statute.
Lynn's FY14 Chapter 70 formula net school spending requirement is $173,772,186. The $8,285,391 carryover from FY13 is added to that amount, resulting in a total requirement of $182,057,577. Schedule 19 budget data show that the district plans to spend $166,338,461 which results in a shortfall of $15,719,116 or 9.05 percent. If actual FY14 spending were to
match the amounts reported on this year's Schedule 19, then there would be an $8,688,609 carryover into FY14. There would be a Chapter 70 aid reduction of $7,030,507 in FY15 based on the FY14 spending.
If you have any questions concerning this information, please contact Roger Hatch in the School Finance unit at (781) 338-6527 (
c: Hon. Judith Flanagan Kennedy, Mayor, City of Lynn
Jeff Wulfson, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Jay Sullivan, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Roger Hatch, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Office of School Finance
Chapter 70 Net School Spending Compliance, FY13
163 LYNN Committee City/Town Total
1 Administration (1000) 4,528,162 1,791,714 * 6,319,876
2 Instruction (2000) 89,139,202 0 * 89,139,202
3 Attendance-Health (3100, 3200) 2,719,228 0 * 2,719,228
4 Food Services (3400) 718,954 718,954
5 Athletics/Student Activities/Security (3500,3600) 2,203,283 0 2,203,283
6 Maintenance (4000) 4,663,129 11,534,802 * 16,197,931
7 Employer Retirement Contributions (5100) 0 8,936,669 8,936,669
8 Insurance (5200) 278,711 20,544,389 20,823,100
9 Retired Employee Insurance (5250) 0 0 0
10 Rentals (5300) 33,333 0 * 33,333
11 Short Term Interest (5400) 0 0 0
12 Tuition (9000) 6,419,465 8,365,981 14,785,446
13 Total School Spending (lines 1 through 12) 110,703,467 51,173,555 161,877,022
14 FY13 School Revenues
14a) FY13 School Revenues * 388,494 0 388,494
14b) FY13 Charter Reimbursement 0 1,741,085 1,741,085
14c) Subtotal, School Revenues (14a+14b) 388,494 1,741,085 2,129,579
15 FY13 Net School Spending (13 minus 14) 159,747,443
16 FY13 Chapter 70 Required Net School Spending 165,707,824
17 Carryover from FY12 2,625,575
18 Total FY13 Net School Spending Requirement (16 + 17) 168,333,399
19 Shortfall in Net School Spending (18 minus 15) 8,585,956
20 Carryover/Penalty Calculation, Percent Unexpended (19 / 16) 5.18%
21 FY13 Carry-Over into FY14 (Line 19 or 5% of line 16 ) 8,285,391
22 Penalty (19 minus 21) 300,565
* Budgeted amounts as reported on FY12 End of Year Pupil and Financial Report, Schedule 19
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Office of School Finance
Chapter 70 Net School Spending Compliance, Budgeted FY14
163 LYNN School Committee City/Town Total
1 Administration (1000) 4,224,582 1,686,058 5,910,640
2 Instruction (2000) 90,596,639 0 90,596,639
3 Attendance-Health (3100, 3200) 3,101,249 0 3,101,249
4 Food Services (3400) 888,621 888,621
5 Athletics/Student Activities/Security(3500, 3600) 2,435,190 0 2,435,190
6 Maintenance (4000) 5,307,721 10,043,949 15,351,670
7 Employer Retirement Contributions (5100) 0 9,477,815 9,477,815
8 Insurance (5200) 300,000 22,599,797 22,899,797
9 Retired Employee Insurance (5250) 0 0 0
10 Rentals (5300) 40,000 0 40,000
11 Short Term Interest (5400) 0 0 0
12 Tuition (9000) 6,655,798 11,092,063 17,747,861
13 FY14 Budgeted School Spending (lines 1 through 12) 113,549,800 54,899,682 168,449,482
14 FY14 Budgeted School Revenues
14a) FY14 Budgeted School Revenues 0 0 0
14b) FY14 Charter Reimb (local districts) 0 2,111,021 2,111,021
14c) Subtotal, NSS Revenues (36a+36b) 0 2,111,021 2,111,021
15 FY14 Net School Spending (13 minus 14) 166,338,461
16 FY14 Chapter 70 Required Net School Spending 173,772,186
17 Carryover from FY13 8,285,391
18 Total FY14 Requirement (16 + 17) 182,057,577
19 Shortfall in Budgeted FY14 Net School Spending (18 - 15) 15,719,116
Carryover/Penalty Calculation, Percent Unexpended (19 / 16) 9.05%
21 Potential Aid Penalty (Amount of Line 19 Greater Than 5% of Line 16)
Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D.
February 14, 2014
Catherine C. Latham, Superintendent Lynn School District
100 Bennett St
Lynn, MA, 01905-1201
Dear Superintendent Latham:
As you know, the Commonwealth's school finance statute, Chapter 70 of the General Laws, establishes an annual minimum local contribution requirement for each Massachusetts school district. This local contribution, when added to a district's Chapter 70 aid, equals its "net school spending requirement" Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the loss of Chapter 70 aid, delays in the approval of your municipal tax rate by the Department of Revenue, and/or enforcement action by the Attorney General.
Lynn's End-of-Year Financial Report shows that the district did not meet its spending requirement in FY13. Its required net school spending was $168,333,399. Reported net school spending was $159,747,443 which was $8,585,956 below the requirement. Of that amount $8,285,391 is carried forward and added to the FY14 formula requirement.
The remaining $300,565 constitutes the net school spending penalty for FY13. Chapter 70 requires that these funds be repaid to the Commonwealth through reductions in the city's monthly local aid payments. Because we are more than halfway through this fiscal year, I will permit the repayments to be spread across both FY14 and FY15. The Department's School Finance staff will be in contact with your office and city officials to finalize the exact repayment schedule.
I am aware that Lynn is one of the communities that are not permitted under current law to count retired teachers' health insurance costs toward net school spending. Last year the Legislature considered but did not adopt a proposal to permit all communities to include such costs. If such legislation is enacted in the future, we will adjust districts' net school spending reports as required. But until and unless such legislation is enacted, we must implement the penalty as currently required by statute.
Lynn's FY14 Chapter 70 formula net school spending requirement is $173,772,186. The $8,285,391 carryover from FY13 is added to that amount, resulting in a total requirement of $182,057,577. Schedule 19 budget data show that the district plans to spend $166,338,461 which results in a shortfall of $15,719,116 or 9.05 percent. If actual FY14 spending were to
match the amounts reported on this year's Schedule 19, then there would be an $8,688,609 carryover into FY14. There would be a Chapter 70 aid reduction of $7,030,507 in FY15 based on the FY14 spending.
If you have any questions concerning this information, please contact Roger Hatch in the School Finance unit at (781) 338-6527 (
c: Hon. Judith Flanagan Kennedy, Mayor, City of Lynn
Jeff Wulfson, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Jay Sullivan, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Roger Hatch, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Office of School Finance
Chapter 70 Net School Spending Compliance, FY13
163 LYNN Committee City/Town Total
1 Administration (1000) 4,528,162 1,791,714 * 6,319,876
2 Instruction (2000) 89,139,202 0 * 89,139,202
3 Attendance-Health (3100, 3200) 2,719,228 0 * 2,719,228
4 Food Services (3400) 718,954 718,954
5 Athletics/Student Activities/Security (3500,3600) 2,203,283 0 2,203,283
6 Maintenance (4000) 4,663,129 11,534,802 * 16,197,931
7 Employer Retirement Contributions (5100) 0 8,936,669 8,936,669
8 Insurance (5200) 278,711 20,544,389 20,823,100
9 Retired Employee Insurance (5250) 0 0 0
10 Rentals (5300) 33,333 0 * 33,333
11 Short Term Interest (5400) 0 0 0
12 Tuition (9000) 6,419,465 8,365,981 14,785,446
13 Total School Spending (lines 1 through 12) 110,703,467 51,173,555 161,877,022
14 FY13 School Revenues
14a) FY13 School Revenues * 388,494 0 388,494
14b) FY13 Charter Reimbursement 0 1,741,085 1,741,085
14c) Subtotal, School Revenues (14a+14b) 388,494 1,741,085 2,129,579
15 FY13 Net School Spending (13 minus 14) 159,747,443
16 FY13 Chapter 70 Required Net School Spending 165,707,824
17 Carryover from FY12 2,625,575
18 Total FY13 Net School Spending Requirement (16 + 17) 168,333,399
19 Shortfall in Net School Spending (18 minus 15) 8,585,956
20 Carryover/Penalty Calculation, Percent Unexpended (19 / 16) 5.18%
21 FY13 Carry-Over into FY14 (Line 19 or 5% of line 16 ) 8,285,391
22 Penalty (19 minus 21) 300,565
* Budgeted amounts as reported on FY12 End of Year Pupil and Financial Report, Schedule 19
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Office of School Finance
Chapter 70 Net School Spending Compliance, Budgeted FY14
163 LYNN School Committee City/Town Total
1 Administration (1000) 4,224,582 1,686,058 5,910,640
2 Instruction (2000) 90,596,639 0 90,596,639
3 Attendance-Health (3100, 3200) 3,101,249 0 3,101,249
4 Food Services (3400) 888,621 888,621
5 Athletics/Student Activities/Security(3500, 3600) 2,435,190 0 2,435,190
6 Maintenance (4000) 5,307,721 10,043,949 15,351,670
7 Employer Retirement Contributions (5100) 0 9,477,815 9,477,815
8 Insurance (5200) 300,000 22,599,797 22,899,797
9 Retired Employee Insurance (5250) 0 0 0
10 Rentals (5300) 40,000 0 40,000
11 Short Term Interest (5400) 0 0 0
12 Tuition (9000) 6,655,798 11,092,063 17,747,861
13 FY14 Budgeted School Spending (lines 1 through 12) 113,549,800 54,899,682 168,449,482
14 FY14 Budgeted School Revenues
14a) FY14 Budgeted School Revenues 0 0 0
14b) FY14 Charter Reimb (local districts) 0 2,111,021 2,111,021
14c) Subtotal, NSS Revenues (36a+36b) 0 2,111,021 2,111,021
15 FY14 Net School Spending (13 minus 14) 166,338,461
16 FY14 Chapter 70 Required Net School Spending 173,772,186
17 Carryover from FY13 8,285,391
18 Total FY14 Requirement (16 + 17) 182,057,577
19 Shortfall in Budgeted FY14 Net School Spending (18 - 15) 15,719,116
Carryover/Penalty Calculation, Percent Unexpended (19 / 16) 9.05%
21 Potential Aid Penalty (Amount of Line 19 Greater Than 5% of Line 16)
Given the concerns raised by the LPS budget shortfall, I have sent the letter below to Council President Cahill. As always I will post their responses.
Dear Counciman Cahill,
Dear Counciman Cahill,
Please find attached the disturbing penalty lette sent from the Departent of Elementary and Seondary Education outlining the budgetary shortfall and subsequent penalty for this act of negligence Given the severity of this lack of funding, I have concerns that it may well jeopardize the poposized new MASHALL MIDDLE SCHOOL. Please tell me how you plan to address this defecit
Of course, I will be sharing your esponses with the readers of my blog, LYNN SCHOOL WATCH
Stanley H. Wotring, Jr.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
We are in trouble now, yes it's true
Tried to short-change but the bill's come due
Sorry MISS MAYOR, this one's on YOU!
According to the STATE'S financial report
On our spending we cameup 15 MILLION short.
Looks like layoffs, we may have to resort.
Because of sound fiscal policy you neglected,
Some unsuspecting fools will have to be selected.
Don't fret none, you already been re-elected!
Tried to short-change but the bill's come due
Sorry MISS MAYOR, this one's on YOU!
According to the STATE'S financial report
On our spending we cameup 15 MILLION short.
Looks like layoffs, we may have to resort.
Because of sound fiscal policy you neglected,
Some unsuspecting fools will have to be selected.
Don't fret none, you already been re-elected!
It's HAMMER TIME and the STATE says we must PAY
To the tune of 15 MILLION DOLLARS, did you hear what I SAY?
We have no choice, don't you see
They'll take it out of our CHAP 70 money so it won't be free!
Looks like the schools, the city did try to rob.
Now it's anybody's guess who's out of a job!
To the tune of 15 MILLION DOLLARS, did you hear what I SAY?
We have no choice, don't you see
They'll take it out of our CHAP 70 money so it won't be free!
Looks like the schools, the city did try to rob.
Now it's anybody's guess who's out of a job!
What was pn your mind
when you intoduced NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND?
has been a marginal flop
Adding to the smell
that thing called RETELL/
Bring on some more
with the addition of COMMON CORE/
Teach, not test
to bring out the best.
Teachers take complaints to Tierney
when you intoduced NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND?
has been a marginal flop
Adding to the smell
that thing called RETELL/
Bring on some more
with the addition of COMMON CORE/
Teach, not test
to bring out the best.
Teachers take complaints to Tierney
Monday, February 24, 2014
Open House at Tech for Lynn Community Enrichment Program
February 25th, 6 – 8pm at the Lynn Tech Annex, 80 Neptune Blvd.
Courses include – Recreational Volleyball, Learn-to-Swim for Adults, Learn-to-Swim for Children, Basic Introduction to Video, Cooking with Steve, First Aid & CPR Certification, Auto Body, Introduction to Microsoft Office, Conversational English, Conversational Spanish, Storytime for Parent and Child, Introduction to Welding and Introduction to Manual Milling
There will be an opportunity to enroll on the spot, and at the first night of class if space is still available.
Don't forget to support the Barnes & Noble fundraiser tomorrow, February 25th!
Coming up at Thirs. night's LSC meeting there is a VER IMPORTANT vote, first in the Policy subcommittee and later by the whole LSC. This came to be after PATTI CAPANO successfully considered the committee to relook at the wording regarding the actual make-up of the SCREENING COMMIIIEE for the hiring of NEW principals
It appears to me that it was a thinly vieled attempt to water down the parent and communit represenration. M props to PATTI for sucessful executing this POWER PLAY of persuasion. However everbod watch our toes because I am throwing the GAUNTLET down.
It's eas as falling off a log to do and could be incomfortab;e attention brought to those currently declared candidates for STATE REP
call my bluff!
It appears to me that it was a thinly vieled attempt to water down the parent and communit represenration. M props to PATTI for sucessful executing this POWER PLAY of persuasion. However everbod watch our toes because I am throwing the GAUNTLET down.
It's eas as falling off a log to do and could be incomfortab;e attention brought to those currently declared candidates for STATE REP
call my bluff!
After just one winter
is that it for the KINDERGARTEN CENTER?
Looks like we may have the College of the North Shore
pounding at the classroom door.
That's the space they will show
the five year olds when they go.
If that's not the plan, please explain
why o why did you entertain?
Tech may be home to NSCC programs
is that it for the KINDERGARTEN CENTER?
Looks like we may have the College of the North Shore
pounding at the classroom door.
That's the space they will show
the five year olds when they go.
If that's not the plan, please explain
why o why did you entertain?
Tech may be home to NSCC programs
Tech may be home to NSCC programs
This is exciting news on one hand. I mean some kind of partnership would create mant potential opportunities provide for a seamless transition into higher education. All good!
not so fast. Where are the talking about putting them? Seems like th ever expanding KINDERGARTEN CENTER seems to have most of the free space occupied. Whatever would that mean for the little ones? The busing is working out so well except for the snow, and well fhe fights, and uh, the COST (Don't worry about that the CITY is going to pay us the money they owe UNLESS they get a FREE PASS from OL'JOHNNY'S friends in the legislature.
See you people should have listened to me This would be a much more appropriate use of the space as far as mixing of the students. Oh well, maybe the have some other empty building at LVTI in mind
This is exciting news on one hand. I mean some kind of partnership would create mant potential opportunities provide for a seamless transition into higher education. All good!
not so fast. Where are the talking about putting them? Seems like th ever expanding KINDERGARTEN CENTER seems to have most of the free space occupied. Whatever would that mean for the little ones? The busing is working out so well except for the snow, and well fhe fights, and uh, the COST (Don't worry about that the CITY is going to pay us the money they owe UNLESS they get a FREE PASS from OL'JOHNNY'S friends in the legislature.
See you people should have listened to me This would be a much more appropriate use of the space as far as mixing of the students. Oh well, maybe the have some other empty building at LVTI in mind
[2 % of goal]
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I’m Buzzing it Off for Kids with Cancer!
For the 3rd year in a row I'm shaving my head at The Kid's Cancer Buzz-Off in honor and support of kids fighting cancer. There are so many kids that need our help. I am very fortunate that I am a healthy kid with a supportive family. I love to play hockey with my friends and enjoy spending time with my family. So many kids can't enjoy the things theymore |
Comets for Cancer
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Sunday, February 23, 2014
February 27 | 6:00 PM | 4th Regular
Critical Stuff on the agenda for Thurs. 's LSC meeting. More analysis to come!
Critical Stuff on the agenda for Thurs. 's LSC meeting. More analysis to come!
Feb 19, 2014 | 3:00 am
I don't know where I was on this I am surprised I did not comment sooner but oh well!
CHUCK does point to some positive stides that LPS is making. We ae no longe a FAILING district. Some cedit needs to be given to someone.
I do have to wonder about things like sinceriiy and oppotunism about HIS and JOHN THE RIPPER. One has to take their comments in context of their current political aspirations. Don't forget CHUCK, himself is a PRIVATE school person (nothing wrong with that, me too ut let's be real) and then there is JOHNNY BOY, he works for the man both LSC memers are striving to replace REP. STEVE WALSH.
Seems like the CITY led by LSC CHAIRPERSON JUDY THE JUGGLER who doubles as MAYOR CHEAPSKATE unless you are part of the city's FRIEND'S AND FAMILY PLAN is aout an equal amount short on funding the schools as is the cost of KIPP to LPS'S budget.....
it turns out being a tightwad comes with a cost of about 7 MILLION unless....
the STATE LEGISLATURE comes to the rescue with some fine pencil whipping.. Where does JOHNNY BOY'S boss work again? It's all good but let's be REAL!
CHARTER SCHOOLS are not the only fiscal problem. At least some kids are served from that drain, the MAYOR, maker of the budget is SHORTCHANGING OUR STUDENTS and thereby creating an overcrowding problems.
I predict the legislature will change the rules somewhat to avoid the catastrophe that the sstematic series of shortfalls has caused. Otherwise a domino effect of layoffs and downward spiraling test scores would ensue.
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