written (or copy and pasted) solely by Stanley H. Wotring, Jr. I am not a representative of the LSC (BUT I WANT TO BE!} nor are they responsible for the content. My email address is ***Lynn.School.Watch@gmail.com***. TIME TO GET SERIOUS!
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Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
LYNN — They had all recently read his book, so the students rushed in excitement to get their pictures taken with the author after his inspirational presentation at Lynn Classical High School Tuesday morning.
The book was “Eleven Seconds.” The speaker was Travis Roy.
In 1995, Roy suffered a paralyzing neck injury in his first college hockey game at Boston University. Eleven seconds into the game, Roy collided with the boards and cracked vertebrae, leaving him a quadriplegic.
Roy graduated from the Boston University College of Communication in 2000, despite his injury. Now 38, Roy has been in a wheelchair for the past 18 years and travels around the country sharing his story.
“Sometimes challenges choose us,” said Roy in his presentation about how his dreams and plans to be a professional hockey player were drastically changed.
Lynn Classical Principal Gene Constantino said all Classical high school students were required to read Roy’s book earlier this year. After hearing how moved students were by the book, Constantino and history teacher David Poland, who first suggested the book, arranged for Roy to visit.
“Travis Roy’s book was very inspirational to me… It comforted me in my own problems and showed me that I need to keep on trying,” said Morvyn Belice, a senior at Lynn Classical who was thrilled to see Roy in person.
In his presentation, Roy explained to students the difficulties of his disability and his fight to stay positive.
“A positive attitude will take you farther in life than anything else,” said Roy to students after talking about his struggle to realize the many opportunities for him despite his physical limitations.
Roy also told students that his disability has not changed him much, nor has it changed his major goals. He may not be able to play professional hockey, but he is happy and successful, and that is all he ever wanted.
“I think it’s very touching,” said Amanda Enquist, a senior at Lynn Classical. Enquist is familiar to the challenges of disability. Cerebral palsy leaves Enquist struggling to walk, but her strong will keeps her moving. With the help of walking aids, Enquist walked to the podium in the gymnasium to introduce Roy before his presentation.
“There was an abnormal energy that was fun to be a part of today,” said Roy about the overwhelmingly positive response he received from students.
At the end of his presentation, Roy had student helpers bring microphones around the gymnasium so that students could ask questions. Raised hands filled the gym as students begged for their chance to speak.
According to Constantino, Roy’s book received more student interest than any other previous required readings.
Said Constantino after the crowds of students reluctantly left the gym, “It was one of the best assemblies we’ve ever had.”
Didn't we at the WATCH tell you a couple weeks ago that this would be coming. Thanks again to the ITEM for fleshing out an old story for me!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Lynn Special Education Department
Parent Advisory Council – Lynn Public Schools Special Education
November 2013 MEETING
Monday November 4th, 2013 Time: 6:00 PM
Featuring: The Movement of Imperfection
Come join us for this entertaining presentation which explores the humorous, heartwarming side of raising an imperfect child in a world pre-occupied with perfection
Location: Lynn Tech Annex 90 Commercial St. Room 1059 Lynn MA
If you need an interpreter please contact
Frances Martinez at 781-477-7220 Ext. 3336 we will try our best to accommodate your need
Si usted necesita un intérprete por favor de contactar a
Frances Martinez 781-477-7220 Extensión 3336 trataremos todo lo posible de acomodar su necesidad
Parent Liaison – Enlace de los Padres: Frances Martinez
email: martinezf@lynnschools.org
100 Bennett Street. Lynn MA 01905 Tel: 781-477-7220 Ext. 3336
Lisa Bishop “PAC” Chairman – Presidente del Consejo
Email: friendsoflynnpac@yahoo.com www.lynnpac.com
El Concejo de Padres “PAC” se reunirá el primer Lunes de cada mes en el
Cuando las Escuelas están canceladas por emergencia de nieves, la reunión por igual será cancelada.
The Lynn Parent Advisory Council “PAC” meets every 1st Monday of the month at the
When school is cancelled for snow emergency, the meeting is likewise cancelled.
Parent Advisory Council – Lynn Public Schools Special Education
November 2013 MEETING
Monday November 4th, 2013 Time: 6:00 PM
Featuring: The Movement of Imperfection
Come join us for this entertaining presentation which explores the humorous, heartwarming side of raising an imperfect child in a world pre-occupied with perfection
Location: Lynn Tech Annex 90 Commercial St. Room 1059 Lynn MA
If you need an interpreter please contact
Frances Martinez at 781-477-7220 Ext. 3336 we will try our best to accommodate your need
Si usted necesita un intérprete por favor de contactar a
Frances Martinez 781-477-7220 Extensión 3336 trataremos todo lo posible de acomodar su necesidad
Parent Liaison – Enlace de los Padres: Frances Martinez
email: martinezf@lynnschools.org
100 Bennett Street. Lynn MA 01905 Tel: 781-477-7220 Ext. 3336
Lisa Bishop “PAC” Chairman – Presidente del Consejo
Email: friendsoflynnpac@yahoo.com www.lynnpac.com
El Concejo de Padres “PAC” se reunirá el primer Lunes de cada mes en el
Cuando las Escuelas están canceladas por emergencia de nieves, la reunión por igual será cancelada.
The Lynn Parent Advisory Council “PAC” meets every 1st Monday of the month at the
When school is cancelled for snow emergency, the meeting is likewise cancelled.
Monday, October 28, 2013
OK Mustangs!! It is time for EVERYONE to get on the First in Math train! Let's go! We want everyone to reach 3000 and the purple dot section of this graph! We can do it! Remember, just 15 minutes a day should do it!
Again, I was listed last. Just sayin, the alphabet has never been my friend.
Name: Stanley H. Wotring Jr.
Age: 51
Occupation: Retired on disability
Education: Bachelor’s degree in psychology from West Virginia Wesleyan College, minor in chemistry
Family: Married to Doreen, two children from a previous marriage, Trippy, a freshman at LVTI and Asiah, a freshman at Lynn English High School, and four stepchildren, George, Kristen, James and Courtney.
The greatest problem I see in education is apathy for learning both with the student and parent. We must instill excitement in the learning process. We must harness the new technology to engage the student and increase his achievement level. Innovations in communication can allow a more active participation from parents whereby they can realize their critical importance.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
You know I been a thinking, someone said to me need to come to come up with a better security strategy than SHELTER-IN-PLACE,"we are sitting ducks".
That is true. No one would tell the fish, "Hey head on over to that barrel over there".
you were the fisherman.
I guess some people are worried about some ducks having arms instead of wings.
That is true. No one would tell the fish, "Hey head on over to that barrel over there".
you were the fisherman.
I guess some people are worried about some ducks having arms instead of wings.
I have an idea. Let's take the money we pay for cars for these top administration people and re-purpose it for something that will have s little more direct impact on our kids. I honestly don't know exactly how many people get these leased perks but let's look at what I do know.
From way back when we had the battle over the need for an ADDITIONAL Deputy Superintendent, it was brought out that each Deputy in addition to the Superintendent gets a $4oo a month car lease, each Deputy gets one as well.
I don't claim to be good at math but by my figuring, those three alone account for $1200 a month, $14,000 a year/ That money could go for at least a token raise for substitute teachers or pay for a couple ESL classes of fund the Enrichment program at LVTI so the NEW LYNN COALITION doesn't have to subsidize those exorbitant tuition costs. \
I am sure we are contractually obligated to pay for these until their contracts run out but that behs the question, "Why were they included in the first place?"/
From way back when we had the battle over the need for an ADDITIONAL Deputy Superintendent, it was brought out that each Deputy in addition to the Superintendent gets a $4oo a month car lease, each Deputy gets one as well.
I don't claim to be good at math but by my figuring, those three alone account for $1200 a month, $14,000 a year/ That money could go for at least a token raise for substitute teachers or pay for a couple ESL classes of fund the Enrichment program at LVTI so the NEW LYNN COALITION doesn't have to subsidize those exorbitant tuition costs. \
I am sure we are contractually obligated to pay for these until their contracts run out but that behs the question, "Why were they included in the first place?"/
Saturday, October 26, 2013
I heard about this a while back but I've been too busy to look into it more. Overheard someone talking about how ISD might be using the SECURITY CAMERAS to spy on custodians. You know to make sure they are working. I am not confident that is true but as creepy as it sounds, I'm pretty sure it's legal.
In this day and age you better expect BIG BROTHER to be watching. Normally though, I would think this sibling would have their own network. When someone is paying your salary, I think sacrifice certain levels of privacy. You better keep your clothes on.
an argument might be made that since supposedly some ISD eyes were looking through security cameras meany to keep everyone safe. How come they have access to that network? I would have thought only trained, sworn peace officers would have access to that network,
In this day and age you better expect BIG BROTHER to be watching. Normally though, I would think this sibling would have their own network. When someone is paying your salary, I think sacrifice certain levels of privacy. You better keep your clothes on.
an argument might be made that since supposedly some ISD eyes were looking through security cameras meany to keep everyone safe. How come they have access to that network? I would have thought only trained, sworn peace officers would have access to that network,
Friday, October 25, 2013
I apologize, I have been walking the streets, literally, so I never bothered to comment on this sketchy campaign practice. I really don't know if it's legal or illegal. It does leave a bad taste in my mouth.It's funny that the candidate was quoted in the ITEM bragging about beating me by 300 votes in the PRIMARY. Well at least I don't have to bribe any to carry my one sign. That is if you don't count treating myself to coffee at the office.
I apologize, I have been walking the streets, literally, so I never bothered to comment on this sketchy campaign practice. I really don't know if it's legal or illegal. It does leave a bad taste in my mouth.It's funny that the candidate was quoted in the ITEM bragging about beating me by 300 votes in the PRIMARY. Well at least I don't have to bribe any to carry my one sign. That is if you don't count treating myself to coffee at the office.
Lynn Classical would like to cordially invite Pickering 8th grade students and parents to our Night of Excellence on November 14th starting at 6 p.m. This is an event for parents and students to come tour the building and celebrate with us the excellent work and talents of our currents students, as well as, seeing what Classical has to offer you and your family. Starting at 6:00, come and tour displays and classrooms and meet students and teachers. At 7:00 join us in the auditorium for information about academics, extra-curricular activities, MCAS information (including our Level 1 status) and a variety of student performances. Come and celebrate with the Classical Family, we hope to see you there!
Thursday, October 24, 2013
I am excited about tomorrow. I can hardly wait. It will be the OFFICIAL unveiling of my SIGN 3.0. First my son, A.K.A. SW3, drew the original masterpiece. Then my wife outlined the letters with a much wider black border so the words started to STAND OUT.
Now wife has now emboldened inside the lines with a bright orange marker. My sign has got POP!
You know what that means. My phone will soon be ringing with a call from the LYNN MUSEUM requesting my SIGN 3.0 as a historical artifact symbolizing how a successful political campaign can be waged where ideals can trump cash.
Now wife has now emboldened inside the lines with a bright orange marker. My sign has got POP!
You know what that means. My phone will soon be ringing with a call from the LYNN MUSEUM requesting my SIGN 3.0 as a historical artifact symbolizing how a successful political campaign can be waged where ideals can trump cash.
Let me tell you I apologize for my lack of attention to the WATCH lately. I am sorry I've been kind of tied up with this campaign thing. In some ways, I almost regret even running because it has meant I had to play nice. Well at least I have tried......sometimes.
Win, lose, or draw, my campaign will have made a difference though. The reaction from the threat of even the possibility of my election has helped to frame a newer collegiality (Reading all those religious books helped build my vocabulary).
Guess what? Word on the street and you know me and my sign, we been pounding it is that someody better get to worrying. I gots my eye on a better seat to watch the committee meetings.
Just in case I am just blowing smoke.and I actually lose, I have been working on an exit strategy to save face. You see I've decided that if for some strange reason I lose (Heaven forbid) it will be a sign that I am supposed to go back and finish my autobiography.
So you see, I can't lose
SPIN is the only FOUR letter word I plan to use.
Win, lose, or draw, my campaign will have made a difference though. The reaction from the threat of even the possibility of my election has helped to frame a newer collegiality (Reading all those religious books helped build my vocabulary).
Guess what? Word on the street and you know me and my sign, we been pounding it is that someody better get to worrying. I gots my eye on a better seat to watch the committee meetings.
Just in case I am just blowing smoke.and I actually lose, I have been working on an exit strategy to save face. You see I've decided that if for some strange reason I lose (Heaven forbid) it will be a sign that I am supposed to go back and finish my autobiography.
So you see, I can't lose
SPIN is the only FOUR letter word I plan to use.
Pickering Middle School has begun the First in Math program. This is an exciting interactive online learning tool that will help students their basic math skills and help guide them to mastery. We encourage all students to participate.

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Lynn English High School junior Jamie Mah carries a sketch pad with her pretty much wherever she goes, but art teacher Martha Brown said that’s not unusual.
“What’s unusual is you never know what kind of art supplies she’ll pull out of her backpack,” she said. “It could be a glue gun or some wire or whatever.”
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Interesting Debate tonight put on by HIGHLANDS COALITION at the FORD SCHOOL. Some people told me I did well but I think they were just trying to be kind. I don't think I speak well. I don't get nervous or intimidated, I just have too many ideas coming in at one time and let's face it I sometimes it's hard to understand
DONNA was spot on the questions. She successfully was able to frame her answers in such a way that was relevant to the audience. She was in control of the answers. MARIA successfully pointed out that JOHN FORD was not the leader on ESL that both he and CHARLIE claimed to be. The ESL program at LVTI was actually priced out of the people who need it most's range but thanks to THE NEW LYNN COALITION subsidy, the program was successful not because of anything MR. FORD did.
Then there was MELISSA. She was WRONG again for the SECOND time. The successful night school program was NOT created with the proceeds from eliminating one teaching position. I am NOT going to offer my opinion on the WISDOM of this idea.BUT what I will do is lay out the the facts here for you to form your own opinion.
With class size being a concern with everyone, how would having one less teacher help reduce them. And I don't think the TEACHER'S UNION would be in agreement to such an arbitrary elimination of a position, The ESL portion of the night school I believe was paid for with TITLE 1 money and the GED classes was paid for through private money because DR. LATHAM felt GED classes were not an appropriate use of TITLE 1 money.
LORRAINE seemed lost in GATELY'S WORLD. She seemed totally unprepared for the questions. What makes this most troubling is that most of the questions were ones that were already answered by federal and state regs.. How many years has she been teaching?
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