I can't say I blame them. I know I have been kind of rough on the COMMERCIAL STREET CROWD but the snub from them tonight hurt my SENSITIVE poetic feelings. Here I was tonight at the ARTS AND CULTURAL DESIGNATION event at LYNNARTS.
Students from throughout the city were represented with beautiful art work covering the walls. DR. LATHAM, DR. WARRY, AND SUE ROWE were representing LPS at tonight's event. They deserve credit for promoting ARTS in EDUCATION. DR. JOE PICANO, FINE ARTS DIRECTOR FOR LPS, praised DR. LATHAM & CO. for supporting the arts.
A lot of parents and their children were in attendance enjoying this public presentation of their talent. Lots of political people were there from the city and throughout the state. REPRESENTATIVES WONG, FENNELL, AND WALSH were joined by the MAYOR, COUNCILMAN CRIGHTON, AND COUNCILMAN CAHILL.
no one from the LSC bothered to show up. Not people I normally support, not those I regularly give a HARD time, NOBODY. Needless to say I am disappointed in all of them. Who I am not disappointed in is DR. LATHAM. She showed up and in life that is the most important thing.
written (or copy and pasted) solely by Stanley H. Wotring, Jr. I am not a representative of the LSC (BUT I WANT TO BE!} nor are they responsible for the content. My email address is ***Lynn.School.Watch@gmail.com***. TIME TO GET SERIOUS!
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Whatever happened to that promised principal sensitivity training? Who all went? Do you all respect me in the morning now?
A little while after the COOK STREET THROW-DOWN LPS was again thrust into the limelight a clothing calamity. A letter to the mayor raised a few eyebrows then STARBARD stirred the pot until comments were clarified. (Rick learned a lesson about answering the door in feety pajamas). Honestly I'm not sure what was done.
At the LSC meetings, I think the only thing concretely done was to refer all clothing related issues to CENTRAL OFFICE. The MAYOR did point out that the DRESS CODE needed update and that as it stood right now that known COMMERCIAL STREET GANG member DR. WARRY would be suspended for sporting her colors with a festive scarf. Well DR. WARRY never did time and I don't think the policy was ever updated.
Like many others, I heard about the PROPOSED SENSITIVITY THING. I just had visions of principals alone in their offices in touch with themselves. By the time the individuals reached them that they got this training for reached them, the damage has been done. Systematic problems need systematic solutions.
Let's get to the LONG and the SHORT of the matter. When a minor hubbub was raised about showing a little calf before JUNE, COMMANDANT STRANGIE was deserted by his fellow principals and left to dangle in the winds of fashion (imagine if someone would have worn white before MEMORIAL DAY).
Changes were made to the code quickly. Kids in the audience of the LSC could be seen texting, "ALL THE COOL KIDS SHOW A LITTLE LEG". Nothing was put in place to convince HERR STRANGIE to come over to the dark side. Just deal with it, MEIN FUERHER.
when it comes to a matter of CIVIL RIGHTS LPS seems a little slower to act.
A little while after the COOK STREET THROW-DOWN LPS was again thrust into the limelight a clothing calamity. A letter to the mayor raised a few eyebrows then STARBARD stirred the pot until comments were clarified. (Rick learned a lesson about answering the door in feety pajamas). Honestly I'm not sure what was done.
At the LSC meetings, I think the only thing concretely done was to refer all clothing related issues to CENTRAL OFFICE. The MAYOR did point out that the DRESS CODE needed update and that as it stood right now that known COMMERCIAL STREET GANG member DR. WARRY would be suspended for sporting her colors with a festive scarf. Well DR. WARRY never did time and I don't think the policy was ever updated.
Like many others, I heard about the PROPOSED SENSITIVITY THING. I just had visions of principals alone in their offices in touch with themselves. By the time the individuals reached them that they got this training for reached them, the damage has been done. Systematic problems need systematic solutions.
Let's get to the LONG and the SHORT of the matter. When a minor hubbub was raised about showing a little calf before JUNE, COMMANDANT STRANGIE was deserted by his fellow principals and left to dangle in the winds of fashion (imagine if someone would have worn white before MEMORIAL DAY).
Changes were made to the code quickly. Kids in the audience of the LSC could be seen texting, "ALL THE COOL KIDS SHOW A LITTLE LEG". Nothing was put in place to convince HERR STRANGIE to come over to the dark side. Just deal with it, MEIN FUERHER.
when it comes to a matter of CIVIL RIGHTS LPS seems a little slower to act.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Here's the agenda for next Thursday night's LSC meeting! Notice the request for EXECUTIVE SESSION - Cathe's Contract.
LYNN ENGLISH'S JROTC joined LSC MEMBER'S MARIA CARRASCO and CHARLIE GALLO in marching in today's MEMORIAL DAY parade. I got lots of pictures thanks to my staff photographer TRIPPY. I am sure I'm not giving lots of people credit so please feel free to write in and point them out.
TRIPPY'S pics are on my other blog LYNN CITY WATCH, lynncitywatch.blogspot.com.
TRIPPY'S pics are on my other blog LYNN CITY WATCH, lynncitywatch.blogspot.com.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Not only are these new students not from this country, they are not even from our species. Rumor has it, (No COUNCILMAN PHELAN, not that rumor) that some type of FISH will become semi-permanent residents in a man-made pond in the INTERNATIONAL GARDEN.
I am not trying to be coy, I really don't know the variety.
I am not trying to be coy, I really don't know the variety.
The WORLD FOLK FAIR that is. For the second year in a row ASIAH WOTRING (my daughter) will open up the day long event on June 30th at LYNN HERITAGE STATE PARK,
Hey I play WORD GAMES for just the fun of it so why should you be surprised that I do it for my daughter?
Saturday, May 26, 2012
I stole the following idea from one of the regulars in my BOSTON STREET OFFICE. Often we meet there for coffee and conversation. yesterday he came up with what I thought was a PROGRESSIVE and INNOVATIVE idea.
He wants to sit down sometime and flesh out the idea. He even said he didn't want no credit. Now I like the idea of getting credit instead of BLAME from ANONYMOUS (you know who you are) but I like this IDEA so much I couldn't wait.
Since all students get their initial LOVE for learning in the first three years of school, why not give FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD GRADE teachers a higher pay scale? Every grade has its own unique challenges however children's early exposure can spark a lifetime of self-learning. That makes everybody's job easier.
I know this PROPOSAL needs more refining but I just had to get the conversation started. Talk amongst yourselves while I get another cup of coffee.
He wants to sit down sometime and flesh out the idea. He even said he didn't want no credit. Now I like the idea of getting credit instead of BLAME from ANONYMOUS (you know who you are) but I like this IDEA so much I couldn't wait.
Since all students get their initial LOVE for learning in the first three years of school, why not give FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD GRADE teachers a higher pay scale? Every grade has its own unique challenges however children's early exposure can spark a lifetime of self-learning. That makes everybody's job easier.
I know this PROPOSAL needs more refining but I just had to get the conversation started. Talk amongst yourselves while I get another cup of coffee.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Since we don't OFFICIALLY have a SUPERINTENDENT signed on for the next school year yet where does that leave LPS? No contract was tendered after the last TOP SECRET and TUMULTUOUS negotiating session last Thursday night,soon DR. LATHAM'S contract will run out and we could be left aimlessly wandering in the crosscurrents. A lot of BIG things are on the TO-DO list.
There's the building of a new MARSHALL, a new INNOVATION school, opening up FALLON again, the MAYOR'S wanting to move all the administration to BENNETT STREET, and a few other things. Still no contract.
Why? I don't know for sure. The rumor mill is pretty silent on this one. I don't have many facts to go on. But I ask you, when has that ever stopped me?
So I have been forced to look into my crystal ball (.which is actually an old bowling ball I used back in the 80's before my accident) to make some guesses on the holdup.
DR. LATHAM had the votes to get an offer extended. We all saw that after the hearing thing. A contract should have been offered if they could just come to an agreement. It should have passed just be REASONABLE....but it didn't.
Hmm, who broke the vote that was clearly in LATHAM'S favor? Was it CHARLIE GALLO, the political animal that he is who maybe realized the historic uprising of parental concern could put his future political career in jeopardy? Or maybe it was MADAME MAYOR who thought LATHAM'S raise increase was too extreme and didn't want to part with enough of that 16 million in FREE CASH already targeted for projects to help move her reelection campaign along. Then there is JOHN "THE RIPPER" FORD, maybe his knife got too dull from all that throat slashing, he couldn't carve out a big enough piece of the revenue pie to fund her raise. Don't forget PATTI CAPANO, well maybe you can forget her. I saw no first-aid tape on her nose caused by any sudden moves by the GOOD DOCTOR.
Well we KNOW the are obligated, mandated, and necessitated to offer LATHAM a contract,
LATHAM is not required to ACCEPT it.
I can't wait until next Thursday.
There's the building of a new MARSHALL, a new INNOVATION school, opening up FALLON again, the MAYOR'S wanting to move all the administration to BENNETT STREET, and a few other things. Still no contract.
Why? I don't know for sure. The rumor mill is pretty silent on this one. I don't have many facts to go on. But I ask you, when has that ever stopped me?
So I have been forced to look into my crystal ball (.which is actually an old bowling ball I used back in the 80's before my accident) to make some guesses on the holdup.
DR. LATHAM had the votes to get an offer extended. We all saw that after the hearing thing. A contract should have been offered if they could just come to an agreement. It should have passed just be REASONABLE....but it didn't.
Hmm, who broke the vote that was clearly in LATHAM'S favor? Was it CHARLIE GALLO, the political animal that he is who maybe realized the historic uprising of parental concern could put his future political career in jeopardy? Or maybe it was MADAME MAYOR who thought LATHAM'S raise increase was too extreme and didn't want to part with enough of that 16 million in FREE CASH already targeted for projects to help move her reelection campaign along. Then there is JOHN "THE RIPPER" FORD, maybe his knife got too dull from all that throat slashing, he couldn't carve out a big enough piece of the revenue pie to fund her raise. Don't forget PATTI CAPANO, well maybe you can forget her. I saw no first-aid tape on her nose caused by any sudden moves by the GOOD DOCTOR.
Well we KNOW the are obligated, mandated, and necessitated to offer LATHAM a contract,
LATHAM is not required to ACCEPT it.
I can't wait until next Thursday.
Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Goldfish Pond Association
is having their
32nd Annual Planting Day
Saturday, May 26th
Beginning at 8:30am
Join in helping plant flowers around Goldfish Pond.
For more info, contact Jack, Phone: 781-507-5879
For more info, contact Jack, Phone: 781-507-5879
Students instrumental in growth of Lynn schools’ music program
Ha, ha, fooled you. You thought I was going to go off on some negative tirade about how bad things are. I got nothing but positive vibes here. Anything that promotes creativity in education, I am for. So give the devil her due, DR. LATHAM deserves some credit here for plucking out the remnants of a neglected program and giving LPS something to be proud of.
I just wish the article would have mentioned a little about the sacrifices the parents had to make to get the students to class so the teachers would be able to have to be inconvenienced.
Ha, ha, fooled you. You thought I was going to go off on some negative tirade about how bad things are. I got nothing but positive vibes here. Anything that promotes creativity in education, I am for. So give the devil her due, DR. LATHAM deserves some credit here for plucking out the remnants of a neglected program and giving LPS something to be proud of.
I just wish the article would have mentioned a little about the sacrifices the parents had to make to get the students to class so the teachers would be able to have to be inconvenienced.
The idea to consolidate LPS'S administrative offices is not a new one. We have heard it before and with the same timeline. Hopefully, this is just not another city recycling project. Excuse me if I am skeptical.
I hope it does come to pass, I have elaborated on the positives in the past. Getting the SPED department a little under control due to increased coordination with the rest of LPS could only be a good thing. Honestly though, I haven't heard any chatter about lining up any moving vans or packing any boxes.
our leprechaun-like MAYOR did find a $16 million pot of gold at the end of the fiscal rainbow. After all we did have a pretty mild winter.
The idea to consolidate LPS'S administrative offices is not a new one. We have heard it before and with the same timeline. Hopefully, this is just not another city recycling project. Excuse me if I am skeptical.
I hope it does come to pass, I have elaborated on the positives in the past. Getting the SPED department a little under control due to increased coordination with the rest of LPS could only be a good thing. Honestly though, I haven't heard any chatter about lining up any moving vans or packing any boxes.
our leprechaun-like MAYOR did find a $16 million pot of gold at the end of the fiscal rainbow. After all we did have a pretty mild winter.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Maybe this mix-up was not on the level of the DPW DISASTER but the invitation mystery was resolved hours after my posting about my apparent snub.
Someone from the MAYOR'S OFFICE FACEBOOKED me with an apology and explanation. It seems it was an HONEST mistake. There was this list that got separated and well the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing and well I was told to take comfort in the fact that I had company in my accidental exile.
But I really did have PARENT stuff to do, just like there are piles of unused sand and salt somewhere.
Someone from the MAYOR'S OFFICE FACEBOOKED me with an apology and explanation. It seems it was an HONEST mistake. There was this list that got separated and well the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing and well I was told to take comfort in the fact that I had company in my accidental exile.
But I really did have PARENT stuff to do, just like there are piles of unused sand and salt somewhere.
LPS Music Department
Receives National Award May 24th 6 PM at Breed Middle School MS/HS Band, Symphonic Orchestra, Jazz bands. In addition the Music Department will be receiving the "NAMM" (national Association of musical merchandisers) award recognizing the Lynn Public Schools as one of the"Best Communities for Music Education" in the United States. A representative will be flying in from New York to issue the award. School administration, City Hall, City Council, and Statehouse representatives will be there along with principals and parents of course. This will be a jam-packed standing room event only. I stole this from the lynnschools.org |
Seems the MAYOR is having a fundraiser tonight. I mean that's what I hear cause I never was actually invited. But hey why should she invite little ole me? I am just a troublemaker and nobody reads this stupid old blog anyway.
Some friends have suggested I crash the party but I got parent stuff to do anyway. Not to mention a source told me ticket run $100. Poetry don't pay much but it seems to me running for MAYOR must.
Since the MAYOR chairs the LSC an around 90% of the student population gets FREE or REDUCED lunch, it doesn't seem like a very broad cross section of the people she serves will be there.
she's set up to take EBT cards.
Some friends have suggested I crash the party but I got parent stuff to do anyway. Not to mention a source told me ticket run $100. Poetry don't pay much but it seems to me running for MAYOR must.
Since the MAYOR chairs the LSC an around 90% of the student population gets FREE or REDUCED lunch, it doesn't seem like a very broad cross section of the people she serves will be there.
she's set up to take EBT cards.
I leaned at last night's city council meeting that the upcoming CITY budget is going to be over 1/4 billion dollars. No typo's here. that's BILLION with a "B".
Since in the past LPS has been about 50% of the CITY BUDGET, what does this number tell us about this year's LPS budget. Inquiring minds want to know. I can't wait to start my DOLLAR DAZE series again.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Sitting tonight at my regular seat at tonight's LYNN CITY COUNCIL meeting when COUNCIL PRESIDENT TIM PHELAN approached me and asked if he could speak with me without me writing about it? Really now? I told him I probably would write about it. (com'on that's what I do)
Undeterred PHELAN proceeded with a frank and forthright perception of his presentation of the facts as they pertain to our PETITION (see I told you that petition-thing won't die). He downplayed the influence of rumors in his decision to sign off on the letter of support from the COUNCIL to be read into the record at our PUBLIC HEARING.
He asked that I reread the e mail sent to LORI D'AMICO detailing the influence rumors had on his decision making process. He strongly tried to persuade me of his not relying on rumors and correctly pointed out that I was aware of said rumors. He assured me that he chooses his words carefully HE'S A LAWYER, HE'S SUPPOSED TO DO THAT.
Me, I'm just a poor, disabled poet. I mean I'd like to think I;m pretty choosy with mine too. He's got all this education, a LAW degree for CRYING OUT LOUD. So let's take another look at was actually said.
Now that sounds to me like rumor was at least a minor player in his decision, But you know what, I GIVE. So maybe the rumor thing didn't play in to his decision. What is troubling to me though is his FAILURE to address the LARGER.ISSUE. That is the PROBLEMATIC relationship between him via his wife with LPS and THE GOOD DOCTOR.
Undeterred PHELAN proceeded with a frank and forthright perception of his presentation of the facts as they pertain to our PETITION (see I told you that petition-thing won't die). He downplayed the influence of rumors in his decision to sign off on the letter of support from the COUNCIL to be read into the record at our PUBLIC HEARING.
He asked that I reread the e mail sent to LORI D'AMICO detailing the influence rumors had on his decision making process. He strongly tried to persuade me of his not relying on rumors and correctly pointed out that I was aware of said rumors. He assured me that he chooses his words carefully HE'S A LAWYER, HE'S SUPPOSED TO DO THAT.
Me, I'm just a poor, disabled poet. I mean I'd like to think I;m pretty choosy with mine too. He's got all this education, a LAW degree for CRYING OUT LOUD. So let's take another look at was actually said.
There were many rumors circulating regarding the intent behind the recent petition. Primarily, the belief being it was to open the position for 1 well established and reputable
individual in the school system to become Supt. If this is accurate, regardless of any smokescreen, it is purely political in nature and not how I believe a system should operate.
Now that sounds to me like rumor was at least a minor player in his decision, But you know what, I GIVE. So maybe the rumor thing didn't play in to his decision. What is troubling to me though is his FAILURE to address the LARGER.ISSUE. That is the PROBLEMATIC relationship between him via his wife with LPS and THE GOOD DOCTOR.
JUNE 9th
Rain date: JUNE 10th
The JOI Child Care Center is renting tables for this
great event. Don’t miss out on this
opportunity to help raise money for JOI and make some pocket money for yourself
too. This is how it works: you choose
the size table you would like to display your items on. The majority of your items must fit on the
size table you choose. The cost of the
table goes to JOI to buy classroom supplies and the money you make from your
items goes to you. It’s a win win!!
Sign up now in the front office or call 781-596-1241!! Tables are limited.
A 50% non refundable deposit by check or money order is
due at sign up and the remainder due by June 1st
Small tables- $10 (3 feet)
Medium tables- $20 (5 feet)
Large tables $25 (8 feet)
Some WATCH watchers are compiling a list and checking it twice,
to find out which school principals get parents advice.
To make everything perfectly clear,
when I get all the answers, you'll find them here.
They are checking which schools have active PTO's and the contact info. If anybody has any they can post it here and I will pass it along and hopefully we can compile a master list.
Now along the same lines, LORI pointed out from the DESE website (that's DOE to you and me) that LPS is mandated to work with the SPED PAC. Lately we've been happy if they just show up. I can't vouch for last night because I missed (Even though I've been married 4 times and I'm 50, it was my first 7th ANNIVERSARY).
Nonetheless, let's start anew. Go to the LPS website, CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE HUMAN RESOURCES WEBPAGE, and you find them soliciting resumes for a very important position.
May 25th is the deadline for applications. Here is your chance LPS, "How are you going to get the parents involved in the selection process?". I will gladly report the GOOD NEWS here.
to find out which school principals get parents advice.
To make everything perfectly clear,
when I get all the answers, you'll find them here.
They are checking which schools have active PTO's and the contact info. If anybody has any they can post it here and I will pass it along and hopefully we can compile a master list.
Now along the same lines, LORI pointed out from the DESE website (that's DOE to you and me) that LPS is mandated to work with the SPED PAC. Lately we've been happy if they just show up. I can't vouch for last night because I missed (Even though I've been married 4 times and I'm 50, it was my first 7th ANNIVERSARY).
Nonetheless, let's start anew. Go to the LPS website, CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE HUMAN RESOURCES WEBPAGE, and you find them soliciting resumes for a very important position.
May 25th is the deadline for applications. Here is your chance LPS, "How are you going to get the parents involved in the selection process?". I will gladly report the GOOD NEWS here.
Since that time though we have found money to hire a new DEPUTY and TWO CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARIES at an annual cost around $240,000. Don't that just bust your beakers.
One of the ideas I heard floating around (in this case rolling) was to have science stuff rolling around from room to room, much like the art teacher who roams the halls. Another was to hope that things and strategies we learn in our NEW INNOVATION STEM SCHOOL will spread like OSMOSIS ( a science term, how do you like me now?) throughout the district. A new EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM was supposed to oversee this. Did I miss something or in this case someone? I don't remember even seeing the position posted. Seems like it was first promised THE NIGHT SPED WAS RAIDED. I hope old age is playing tricks with my memory. Eh, sonny boy.
Science is kind of important. Maybe I'm prejudice because I grew up in the STAR TREK generation but BEAM ME UP CATHE but a good SCIENCE curriculum goes all across the curriculum, math, reading, and even POETRY. Remember that winner of that poetry contest from INGALLS had a SCIENCE poem.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Hmmm, my BFF reminded me a lot of our OUT OF DISTRICT placements go to the NORTHSHORE EDUCATION CONSORTIUM (NEC) that she was appointed to the board of. Interesting.
I mean you would think that's a good thing that Lynn has some representation. I just wonder though, if she gets a STIPEND for what surely must be some considerable work?
since OUT OF DISTRICT placements account for about 10% of our annual budget while only representing 1% of our student population and the overall goal for LPS is to keep our students home, am I the only one that sees this relationship as potentially problematic? Seems like a conflict of interest to me.
what do I know? I am just a backwoods, country bumpkin who don't know nothing about how you big city people OPERATE.
I mean you would think that's a good thing that Lynn has some representation. I just wonder though, if she gets a STIPEND for what surely must be some considerable work?
since OUT OF DISTRICT placements account for about 10% of our annual budget while only representing 1% of our student population and the overall goal for LPS is to keep our students home, am I the only one that sees this relationship as potentially problematic? Seems like a conflict of interest to me.
what do I know? I am just a backwoods, country bumpkin who don't know nothing about how you big city people OPERATE.
Come by the FORD SCHOOL tonight at 7pm tonight for a regularly scheduled PAC meeting. Coffee and goodies will be served. SPECIAL ED issues will be discussed. Child care is available along with some translation services.
Hope to see you there and I hope to tell you who wasn't.
Hope to see you there and I hope to tell you who wasn't.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Volunteers still needed to help read to children... Afternoons until school is out, then in the mornings after July 4th
Since the the three new principal positions available closed MAY 18, I am anxiously awaiting watching how DR.LATHAM is going to get parental input in the selection process. I mean she publicly acknowledged her intent to do so at a recent LSC meeting and even acknowledged it to be a longstanding practice.
Now I'm not out causing trouble for trouble's sake. I have a VESTED interest because one of the new principals will be at my son's school. I'm not worried though cause what reason would I have to doubt DR. LATHAM'S word?
Now I'm not out causing trouble for trouble's sake. I have a VESTED interest because one of the new principals will be at my son's school. I'm not worried though cause what reason would I have to doubt DR. LATHAM'S word?
Northshore Education Consortium (NEC) – Board Member Appointments – 2012/2013
Here is how I make this out. Now the NORTHSHORE EDUCATION CONSORTIUM (NEC) is made up of a collection of area SUPERINTENDENTS. DR.LATHAM had went in the past representing LYNN even though no actual vote had been taken to officially designate her as LYNN'S representative.
So that we look like we know what we are doing and maybe people will take us more seriously, the LSC took a vote to formally appoint DR. LATHAM to be our representative.
I don't know exactly what the NEC does but if I remember correctly, some office members at COMMERCIAL STREET are sitting more comfortably in chairs donated by them.
Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS DR. LATHAM for the official, formal appointment.
From the school with the poetic sounding name (tell me INGALLS don't automatically conjure of images of CHRISTMAS) KENYAN ZAPE, a fourth grader, brought home a prestigious award from a contest sponsored by GEORGE LADD and his research assistants. KENYAN placed third out of a field of 900.
After reciting the poem for all to hear, MAYOR KENNEDY bestowed a special certificate of recognition. All hail the POWER OF WORDS!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Lynn students celebrate reading
This was a GREAT event, showcasing what is going right in LPS. Funny, I never got invited. Well HARRINGTON is a LEVEL 4 school so the have lots of money for necessities, like librarians
It seems it was the librarian who coordinated this BIG event. Now in the past, DR. LATHAM has tried to bully me into believing READING TEACHERS were more important to a school than librarians. She insisted that the data supports it.
I didn't see no READING TEACHER pulling this off. Education is more than numbers, it's about creating a culture of learning.
This was a GREAT event, showcasing what is going right in LPS. Funny, I never got invited. Well HARRINGTON is a LEVEL 4 school so the have lots of money for necessities, like librarians
It seems it was the librarian who coordinated this BIG event. Now in the past, DR. LATHAM has tried to bully me into believing READING TEACHERS were more important to a school than librarians. She insisted that the data supports it.
I didn't see no READING TEACHER pulling this off. Education is more than numbers, it's about creating a culture of learning.
Friday, May 18, 2012
You know I've been thinking again. after PHONY PHALEN'S own admission of influence on him exerted by his wife kind of, sort of makes me wonder about other council members relationships to employees of LPS. I am sure there are others.
When it comes to ethics, maybe the voter's are expected to put their faith in a BLIND TRUST. Well it is time to shine a little light on that trust. I am asking for a full disclosure of every COUNCILMAN'S relative relation of relatives employed by LPS. Maybe this will help with the understanding of their 11-0 letter of endorsement. While we're at it, let's hear about any other special treatment some of these members get.
When it comes to ethics, maybe the voter's are expected to put their faith in a BLIND TRUST. Well it is time to shine a little light on that trust. I am asking for a full disclosure of every COUNCILMAN'S relative relation of relatives employed by LPS. Maybe this will help with the understanding of their 11-0 letter of endorsement. While we're at it, let's hear about any other special treatment some of these members get.
FRIDAY, MAY 18, 2012
It's kind of funny, funny ironic, not funny ha,ha that there is a BIG banner on CITY HALL about next week being PUBLIC WORKS week amid all the attention created by this manufactured controversy over overruns.
Yes it is ridiculous the amount of money spent given the winter we had. It is equally ridiculous to feign surprise that this could happen right under these people's noses. How long ago were they all singing the praises of JAY FINK? They knew, THEY ALL KNEW. For COUNCIL PRESIDENT TIM PHELAN to fake ignorance in order that he might lead a crusade only makes a mockery of the council's fiduciary responsibilities.
Exposing past practices for personal political gain is "risky business" if you may have been a participant.
Yes it is ridiculous the amount of money spent given the winter we had. It is equally ridiculous to feign surprise that this could happen right under these people's noses. How long ago were they all singing the praises of JAY FINK? They knew, THEY ALL KNEW. For COUNCIL PRESIDENT TIM PHELAN to fake ignorance in order that he might lead a crusade only makes a mockery of the council's fiduciary responsibilities.
Exposing past practices for personal political gain is "risky business" if you may have been a participant.
Now that you looked, it was only the NORTH SHORE NAVIGATORS MASCOT paying a house call. No actual children were harmed in this publicity stunt at HARRINGTON SCHOOL.
There was a rumor about PHELAN the fox
guarding the LPS hen house to save the super
A vote was put in the public ballot box
because for his wife, LATHAM did suit her.
Never mind the kids whose parents pay taxes.
Evidently it's not important what they learn,
academic standards it's okay she relaxes,
keeping his wife's job is a major concern.
guarding the LPS hen house to save the super
A vote was put in the public ballot box
because for his wife, LATHAM did suit her.
Never mind the kids whose parents pay taxes.
Evidently it's not important what they learn,
academic standards it's okay she relaxes,
keeping his wife's job is a major concern.
Phelan: Time to address snow-and-ice budgeting
At a time when it is politically expedient COUNCIL PRESIDENT PHELAN wants to spearhead another witch hunt to bookend his failed FACEBOOK flap. However when it comes time to pass a questionably appropriate validity he ignores an obvious conflict of interest because of his wife's promotion and signs on to an OFFICIAL show of support FOR SUPERINTENDENT LATHAM
Maybe he is looking for a career change. You know IRONY is very powerful in POETRY. You have to be careful though not to mistake IRONY for HYPOCRISY.
At a time when it is politically expedient COUNCIL PRESIDENT PHELAN wants to spearhead another witch hunt to bookend his failed FACEBOOK flap. However when it comes time to pass a questionably appropriate validity he ignores an obvious conflict of interest because of his wife's promotion and signs on to an OFFICIAL show of support FOR SUPERINTENDENT LATHAM
Maybe he is looking for a career change. You know IRONY is very powerful in POETRY. You have to be careful though not to mistake IRONY for HYPOCRISY.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
People won't let this petition thing die. Today I learned of what I feel is CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT TIM PHELAN'S own admission of unethical behavior.
It is my understanding that as an elected official he is supposed to represent us citizens and not base his decisions on his personal benefit. That being said, here is an excerpt from an e mail response to LORI D'AMICO question COUNCILMAN PHELAN'S decision to sign a letter of support for SUPERINTENDENT LATHAM.
It is my understanding that as an elected official he is supposed to represent us citizens and not base his decisions on his personal benefit. That being said, here is an excerpt from an e mail response to LORI D'AMICO question COUNCILMAN PHELAN'S decision to sign a letter of support for SUPERINTENDENT LATHAM.
Thus I wanted to let you know I did not make my decision in a vacuum, gave it careful consideration and relied, in part, on someone I trust (my wife) absolutely, telling me "like it is" because, believe me, she is an independent woman who does not hesitate to speak her mind.
Hello, earlier in the same letter he mentioned how his wife is a PROGRAM SPECIALIST for LYNN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. DR. LATHAM is of course, responsible for her promotion therefore her testimony is far from independent. In fact, some may even accuse of it as being quid quo pro.
I am not in a position to pass judgement, I'm just pointing out some facts. If it occurred someone else can file, I don't do well on the phone.
Phelan listens to the gossip
so his votes he don't mess up.
It does not matter what's best for the kid,
the super he's not ready to rid.
He may live the political life
but about this he'll listen to his wife.
What else could she say?
The GOOD DOCTOR is responsible for her PAY.
The ETHICAL thing would have been to recuse.
In the end, we all lose.
so his votes he don't mess up.
It does not matter what's best for the kid,
the super he's not ready to rid.
He may live the political life
but about this he'll listen to his wife.
What else could she say?
The GOOD DOCTOR is responsible for her PAY.
The ETHICAL thing would have been to recuse.
In the end, we all lose.

President Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass: A President Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass: A Historic Relationship as presenteHistoric Relationship as presented by Harvard Professor John Stauffer
Thursday, May 31
Lecture 7pm,
Book Signing 8pm
$10 members; $20 non-members
Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln were the self-made men of their time. One man was a former slave and a radical reformer who became one of the nation's most brilliant writers and speakers. The other was an outsider, born dirt-poor, who became one of America's greatest presidents. While the Civil War raged, the two titans-Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln-formed an unlikely friendship that changed the nation's course.
In his book, Giants: The Parallel Lives of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln, Harvard professor John Stauffer traces how each man used the other and how their political game ultimately led to mutual admiration and respect. Stauffer brings his passion and understanding of these two historical figures to the lecture podium for a great night of exploration and discussion followed by a book signing with the author.
John received his Ph.D. from Yale in 1999 and won the Ralph Henry Gabriel Prize for the best dissertation in American studies. He began teaching at Harvard that year and was tenured in 2004. Among the subjects he teaches are courses on protest literature, southern literature, Douglass and Melville, and the Civil War.
"Giants" is a perfect starting place for those whose interest in two of American history's most important figures has been piqued."
In his book, Giants: The Parallel Lives of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln, Harvard professor John Stauffer traces how each man used the other and how their political game ultimately led to mutual admiration and respect. Stauffer brings his passion and understanding of these two historical figures to the lecture podium for a great night of exploration and discussion followed by a book signing with the author.
John received his Ph.D. from Yale in 1999 and won the Ralph Henry Gabriel Prize for the best dissertation in American studies. He began teaching at Harvard that year and was tenured in 2004. Among the subjects he teaches are courses on protest literature, southern literature, Douglass and Melville, and the Civil War.
"Giants" is a perfect starting place for those whose interest in two of American history's most important figures has been piqued."
The Washington Postdent Abraham Lincoln and nry Gabriel Prize for the best dissertation in American studies. He began teaching at Harvard that year and was tenured in 2004. Among the subjects he teaches are courses on protest literature, southern literature, Douglass and Melville, and the Civil War.
"Giants" is a perfect starting place for those whose interest in two of American history's most important figures has been piqued."
The Washington Post
At the last LSC meeting, the director of that CHARLIE BROWN play donated pairs of tickets to EACH of the MIDDLE SCHOOLS. I was going to get around to telling you. I mean that is a POSITIVE thing happening.
Well I guess COREY'S impatience is the WATCH readers gain. He FACEBOOKED me with the following message: If you post, I can offer your readers $5 off their ticket with coupon code "SNOOPY" This show is good for all ages.
Well I guess COREY'S impatience is the WATCH readers gain. He FACEBOOKED me with the following message: If you post, I can offer your readers $5 off their ticket with coupon code "SNOOPY" This show is good for all ages.
I learned of COUNCILMAN PHELAN'S response in regard to his signing a letter of support for DR. LATHAM back during the PUBLIC HEARING. I had to respond personally to him and since I have trouble with that privacy thing, well here it is:
Dear Mr. Phelan,
I am sure the citizens of Lynn take great comfort in the fact that you rely on rumor an innuendo to base your decisions on. Below is a quote you recently wrote to a friend who helped organize the petition drive:
Dear Mr. Phelan,
I am sure the citizens of Lynn take great comfort in the fact that you rely on rumor an innuendo to base your decisions on. Below is a quote you recently wrote to a friend who helped organize the petition drive:
There were many rumors circulating regarding the intent behind the recent petition. Primarily, the belief being it was to open the position for 1 well established and reputable
individual in the school system to become Supt. If this is accurate, regardless of any smokescreen, it is purely political in nature and not how I believe a system should operate.
Most of the people behind it have never met the well respected individual you are trying to be coy about. We,sir, are interested in facts and outcomes. It seems that your decision was also heavily based on facts. The facts as related to you from your wife who in fact was promoted to an administrative level job by the same persons you now chose to sing the praises of.
I am in no way implying anything about her qualifications for acceptance or performance of the duties, however it would seem to me that it borders on the unethical for you not to have recused yourself from such a public position.
As far as the rumors go surrounding my intentions, I tried to approach the council to let them know publically of my intentions. I approached a couple councilman personally and even wrote to you specifically about my desire to inform the council of those intentions. I was ignored.
Hopefully, in the future your decision making will be made based on a firm foundation of evidence, like good lawyers are supposed to proport. Thank you.
Stanley H. Wotring, Jr.
Now I'm out saying nobody done nothing wrong....
since it looks like the CITY is going to have someone on hand to look at the books trying to figure out this DPW DILEMMA why not have them do a DOUBLE TAKE over at COMMERCIAL STREET?
How is it that the money comes up for a new DEPUTY and two new SECRETARIES in the middle of the year while our classrooms are overcrowded and supplies are scarce? Then there are those other administrative positions we have added and what about raises. Who gets what and How much?
The INGALLS principal KIMBERLEE POWERS got that big promotion after singing the praises of the SUPERINTENDENT. Coincidence, perhaps. What about the other principals who spoke on her behalf? Hmm, let's see. There was DR.COWDELL (who I like), he tried to be conciliatory wanting everybody to just get along. Just STAY THE COURSE, don't rock the boat, a professor of positivity. Still, he did REFUSE that new WAKEFIELD job at the last minute and there are three new principalships in LYNN opening . Let's see who gets them and how involved the parents are in the decision. I am anxious to see how equitably the raises for the principals are distributed and if there are any patterns.
It's the time of the year that our attention turns to BUDGETS and where we are going to spend our money next, maybe we also need to look at our checkbook and see where the money we had has been spent.
since it looks like the CITY is going to have someone on hand to look at the books trying to figure out this DPW DILEMMA why not have them do a DOUBLE TAKE over at COMMERCIAL STREET?
How is it that the money comes up for a new DEPUTY and two new SECRETARIES in the middle of the year while our classrooms are overcrowded and supplies are scarce? Then there are those other administrative positions we have added and what about raises. Who gets what and How much?
The INGALLS principal KIMBERLEE POWERS got that big promotion after singing the praises of the SUPERINTENDENT. Coincidence, perhaps. What about the other principals who spoke on her behalf? Hmm, let's see. There was DR.COWDELL (who I like), he tried to be conciliatory wanting everybody to just get along. Just STAY THE COURSE, don't rock the boat, a professor of positivity. Still, he did REFUSE that new WAKEFIELD job at the last minute and there are three new principalships in LYNN opening . Let's see who gets them and how involved the parents are in the decision. I am anxious to see how equitably the raises for the principals are distributed and if there are any patterns.
It's the time of the year that our attention turns to BUDGETS and where we are going to spend our money next, maybe we also need to look at our checkbook and see where the money we had has been spent.
Everyone seems to agree something is going to happen with the opening up of LVTI as some sort of COMMUNITY CENTER by SEPTEMBER at least. There's been talk of ESL, GED, and CITIZENSHIP classes. Questions of who would pay and how much still have to be worked out but there seems to be a growing consensus that the CORE classes at least ought to be FREE.
Even FREE classes need teachers and there remains a question of who would pay them and where would that money come from. I would guess there is probably TITLE I money available for that. I mean we do get over $6 million from that source, 10% of which has to be dedicated to parental involvement. Someday I'd like to see a balance sheet justifying just what we have spent that money on in the past.
I just don't know why we have to wait until the fall. I mean it'll probably get hot this summer (maybe even before around budget time), LVTI has a pool and well hiring a few kids to be lifeguards would help create some summer jobs. Let's not forget VOLLEYBALL and the BASKETBALL courts. Why do we have to wait?
Even FREE classes need teachers and there remains a question of who would pay them and where would that money come from. I would guess there is probably TITLE I money available for that. I mean we do get over $6 million from that source, 10% of which has to be dedicated to parental involvement. Someday I'd like to see a balance sheet justifying just what we have spent that money on in the past.
I just don't know why we have to wait until the fall. I mean it'll probably get hot this summer (maybe even before around budget time), LVTI has a pool and well hiring a few kids to be lifeguards would help create some summer jobs. Let's not forget VOLLEYBALL and the BASKETBALL courts. Why do we have to wait?
Lynn’s Callahan School may be Sandler film location
I can't help but wonder if any renovations would have to be approved by the MSBA in which case, hopefully approval for the site could come before the movie goes to DVD. I mean how long have we been talking about BREED'S windows and LVTI'S roof? And don't get me started on the new MARSHALL.
I can't help but wonder if any renovations would have to be approved by the MSBA in which case, hopefully approval for the site could come before the movie goes to DVD. I mean how long have we been talking about BREED'S windows and LVTI'S roof? And don't get me started on the new MARSHALL.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
On the same day there is a story about how a school kept nymphs in the basement for over ten years, we find this story, St. Mary’s steps up for community, about how Catholic school students are gathering BABY CLOTHES. Is it any wonder?
Former Classical principals unveil restored nymph friezes
Okay, okay, I admit my title is a BIT misleading and over salacious but how do you expect me to get to 200,000 hits without pulling out a few tricks?
Okay, okay, I admit my title is a BIT misleading and over salacious but how do you expect me to get to 200,000 hits without pulling out a few tricks?
Lynn students celebrate Law Day
If I would have known I would have set something up where I could have presented something on the trials and tribulations of PROBATE COURT. (once I heard a security officer refer to it as LOVER'S COURT), I'm just saying.
If I would have known I would have set something up where I could have presented something on the trials and tribulations of PROBATE COURT. (once I heard a security officer refer to it as LOVER'S COURT), I'm just saying.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Was there a rise in the raise
the deputies did get?
Couldn't tell through the haze,
no one know did they let.
Till we find out, it may take days.
Won't be less, I'll take that bet?
More money, more money, that's the craze
spending for administration, we're not done yet.
the deputies did get?
Couldn't tell through the haze,
no one know did they let.
Till we find out, it may take days.
Won't be less, I'll take that bet?
More money, more money, that's the craze
spending for administration, we're not done yet.
Centerboard and Landmark Outreach offers a Three-Workshop Series for Teachers! May 22, May 29 and June 5 from 6-8pm. Email connect@thecenterboard.org for more details!
KIPP Academy Lynn Elementary School
Coming Soon!
LPS, what you got to say?
Monday, May 14, 2012
Does anybody know the size of the two DEPUTIES salaries? I mean the TEACHER'S got a what 2.5% increase spread over three years after going what, three years with NO raise? I'm sure it will be a FAIR and COMPATIBLE increase.
I wonder if they will get a raise in their car allowance. I can't remember if the TEACHERS got one in theirs. Oh yeah, they DON'T GET ONE.
I wonder if they will get a raise in their car allowance. I can't remember if the TEACHERS got one in theirs. Oh yeah, they DON'T GET ONE.
It seems that we are spending all of this money on SPED and from the looks of these numbers we are not getting our money's worth. The argument I heard repeatedly back in the days of the HEARING "It's not where we are at, but where we are trending". From the looks of these numbers that way looks to be down.
Since the SPED population is such a big percentage of the student population, that little anomaly, that little "bump in the road" creates a significant obstacle to effective progress. I think the numbers she has plucked out point to the fact that whatever it is we are doing, it isn't working like it should and we need to fix it.
I don't know but guess what? Apparently neither to the people in charge. If the RED SOX keep losing, who do you think is going to be out of a job?
The doors may have been closed but there were loud sounds coming from behind those doors. My wife, who was home watching last week's LSC meeting on LYNNCAM texted me when they came out that LATHAM and CAPANO did not look happy. My wife is pretty good at reading my body language so maybe the looks on their faces said "more than words". Hey isn't that a song?
It seems that we are spending all of this money on SPED and from the looks of these numbers we are not getting our money's worth. The argument I heard repeatedly back in the days of the HEARING "It's not where we are at, but where we are trending". From the looks of these numbers that way looks to be down.
Since the SPED population is such a big percentage of the student population, that little anomaly, that little "bump in the road" creates a significant obstacle to effective progress. I think the numbers she has plucked out point to the fact that whatever it is we are doing, it isn't working like it should and we need to fix it.
I don't know but guess what? Apparently neither to the people in charge. If the RED SOX keep losing, who do you think is going to be out of a job?
The doors may have been closed but there were loud sounds coming from behind those doors. My wife, who was home watching last week's LSC meeting on LYNNCAM texted me when they came out that LATHAM and CAPANO did not look happy. My wife is pretty good at reading my body language so maybe the looks on their faces said "more than words". Hey isn't that a song?
Saturday, May 12, 2012
The "i's" have been dotted and the "t's" have been crossed Attorney Mihos advised the LSC to sign so the contract with HighSchoolSports.com can be executed.
I think the high schools are given a dedicated laptop and told to upload recordings of their sporting events to the company website which makes them available for free to everyone anywhere that has Internet access. It generates its revenue from selling banner ads.
For the schools cooperation I believe each school gets $350. Right now there is NO specific place or LINE ITEM to put or track the money. That will be up to, I believe that lovable business manager, KEVIN MCHUGH.
If I may be so bold as to suggest using these new found funds to support this blog. I mean if the electric company shuts off my lights, I don't think I can type in the dark.
I think the high schools are given a dedicated laptop and told to upload recordings of their sporting events to the company website which makes them available for free to everyone anywhere that has Internet access. It generates its revenue from selling banner ads.
For the schools cooperation I believe each school gets $350. Right now there is NO specific place or LINE ITEM to put or track the money. That will be up to, I believe that lovable business manager, KEVIN MCHUGH.
If I may be so bold as to suggest using these new found funds to support this blog. I mean if the electric company shuts off my lights, I don't think I can type in the dark.
night for Lynn English seniors in 'Hollywood' revue
Not only do I congratulate the LYNN ENGLISH DRAMA DEPARTMENT for staging this fine production but I also have to give the ITEM credit for a well written story. It is important for our kids to see their name "up in lights" for a good reason. This story was generously peppered with them.
Honestly, I was a little disappointed to not learn of downtown's involvement. We did just get that designation. Maybe they were but you just can't tell. We (THEY) definitely need some MEDIA COORDINATION.
Not only do I congratulate the LYNN ENGLISH DRAMA DEPARTMENT for staging this fine production but I also have to give the ITEM credit for a well written story. It is important for our kids to see their name "up in lights" for a good reason. This story was generously peppered with them.
Honestly, I was a little disappointed to not learn of downtown's involvement. We did just get that designation. Maybe they were but you just can't tell. We (THEY) definitely need some MEDIA COORDINATION.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Lynn school board agrees to set down goals for future
Setting goals for LPS would be a way
for the parents to have a say.
The LSC is having trouble for their minds to meet.
Other school committees go on retreat.
Scheduling conflicts seem to cause a delay.
Oh well, at election time come what may.
Lynn to pay
$4M to bus students
Behind close doors they went
until all of the SPED money was spent.
Now to our surprise,
transportation cost they did rise.
Our coffers at present look empty,
that's okay, we have a new DEPUTY.
Behind close doors they went
until all of the SPED money was spent.
Now to our surprise,
transportation cost they did rise.
Our coffers at present look empty,
that's okay, we have a new DEPUTY.
No contract for Cathe.
What does that say to me?
A deal that ain't ain't done
becomes a recipe for more fun.
Since the parents had their say
seems the school committee will delay
the execution of a bad decision,
maybe after all, the hearing we did win.
What does that say to me?
A deal that ain't ain't done
becomes a recipe for more fun.
Since the parents had their say
seems the school committee will delay
the execution of a bad decision,
maybe after all, the hearing we did win.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
In the two years or so that I have been going to LSC meetings, I have never sat in the audience in front of so many empty chairs behind the head table for so long. Nor have I ever heard so much noise coming from behind close doors. I couldn't hear any clear words but the volume was definitely up. I made that remark a couple of times to BRANDT DUNCAN, head of the Teacher's union, who was waiting with me and three other people waiting for the LSC and their posse to come back into session.
Votes were taken in EXECUTIVE SESSION and to be in compliance with the OPEN MEETING law they must be ratified in OPEN SESSION and they were.
On the agenda were contract negotiations for DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT DR. WARRY and that pretty maid, SUE ROWE along with SUPERINTENDENT LATHAM'S. In OPEN SESSION two contracts were signed, the DEPUTIES.
Before I comment on CATHE'S suspicious snub, I want to elaborate on the lack of details on the votes taken. No details are given. For all we know they could be voting to give them a 1000% raise. In WV they call this blank check we are writing, "buying a pig in a poke".
What we didn't hear was any ratification of any vote taken on DR. LATHAM'S contract. What that tells me is that "DONE DEAL" ain't done. So hold on to your seats, this ride ain't over yet and it looks like it's getting bumpy.
Votes were taken in EXECUTIVE SESSION and to be in compliance with the OPEN MEETING law they must be ratified in OPEN SESSION and they were.
On the agenda were contract negotiations for DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT DR. WARRY and that pretty maid, SUE ROWE along with SUPERINTENDENT LATHAM'S. In OPEN SESSION two contracts were signed, the DEPUTIES.
Before I comment on CATHE'S suspicious snub, I want to elaborate on the lack of details on the votes taken. No details are given. For all we know they could be voting to give them a 1000% raise. In WV they call this blank check we are writing, "buying a pig in a poke".
What we didn't hear was any ratification of any vote taken on DR. LATHAM'S contract. What that tells me is that "DONE DEAL" ain't done. So hold on to your seats, this ride ain't over yet and it looks like it's getting bumpy.
School Board Gives Vote of Confidence to School Superintendent Latham | Lynn Journal
Lynn English students staging review of Hollywood musical moments
Here is a chance to both support our youth in a positive creative experience and to enjoy a trip down musical memory lane.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Last night the LYNN CITY COUNCIL approved monies for the feasibility studies for two MSBA building projects. I believe for windows at BREED and a roof at LVTI. I may be wrong on some of the particulars. It came at the end of a long and contentious meeting. But hey, at least it is a step in the right direction.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
My BOSTON STREET OFFICE is holding a fundraiser for the WASHINGTON SCHOOL. Don't worry, you can donate the calories. too.
Normally I'm the one to start trouble. I can't help it it's the poet in me. I love looking for hidden meaning. My high school English teacher would be proud.
in this case I am the PEACEMAKER. Can you believe it? I'm talking about the PAC meetings. Last night was kind of typical lately. No one from the SPED department. I don't think there has been anybody since DR. MENINO walked out way back when and DAVE ELLIS argued with FRANCES MARTINEZ, our PARENT LIAISON about interpreters.
Our meeting last night featured a program by some hot shot lawyer itching to sue to enforce rights that people are entitled to. Everybody needs to get at the table and work together to solve problems. Apologies are owed on both sides - not to each other, they're supposed to be adults. No the apologies are owed to the kids because nothing is being done and in the end, they pay.
in this case I am the PEACEMAKER. Can you believe it? I'm talking about the PAC meetings. Last night was kind of typical lately. No one from the SPED department. I don't think there has been anybody since DR. MENINO walked out way back when and DAVE ELLIS argued with FRANCES MARTINEZ, our PARENT LIAISON about interpreters.
Our meeting last night featured a program by some hot shot lawyer itching to sue to enforce rights that people are entitled to. Everybody needs to get at the table and work together to solve problems. Apologies are owed on both sides - not to each other, they're supposed to be adults. No the apologies are owed to the kids because nothing is being done and in the end, they pay.
Click right here for the Thursday nights LSC meeting agenda: Full plate. Did I beat CLEO? Well she had a late night last night. I just layed around all day in DISTRICT COURT, next two days in PROBATE court.
On National Teacher Day, thousands of communities take time to honor their local educators and acknowledge the crucial role teachers play in making sure every student receives a quality education.
Monday, May 7, 2012
I'll flesh out details later but ANSWERS to a lot of SPED questions LPS does not want you to know may be found by directing your questions here - Clare Vann,Attorney at Law, clare.vann.esq@gmail.com.
It's great to see others touting some good things happening in Lynn. I am the first to admit I am quick to point out what is going wrong with our schools but I also point out the good.
Case in point, this article failed to point out the fact LVTI won two state titles, one in football and one in soccer. Their PROJECT FALLEN HERO generated regional if not national attention (One could argue my blog gave it INTERNATIONAL attention but I think I'm just too full of myself).
I know the article admitted it was incomplete and welcomed others to add to Lynn's Bucket List. Here is my contribution. I intend to e mail them this link.
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