A very important meeting was held tonight by the UNITED WAY, Lynn - Community by Community Co..., where a discussion was started about starting more discussions, many more discussions about what our communities, our city needs. LPS was represented by DR LATHAM, MAYOR KENNEDY, LSC MEMBER-ELECT CHARLIE GALLO. and LSC MEMBER (and top vote getter) RICK STARBARD (Charlie was #2-does anyone else see a pattern hear?). Of course the Mayor had good things to say about the need to work together, but RICK chimed in with some important words(It's that pattern thing again).
DR LATHAM had nothing to say. Her silence was deadening but it still spoke volumes and not in a good way. LPS has to be the catalyst for positive change in our community. Our youth have to provide the energy for that change because only they have enough energy to make it happen. It is LPS's job to teach them how to channel that energy and make it happen.
Before we can find answers we have to ask questions. Speak up DR LATHAM, I couldn't hear you. What is your vision for LPS's involvement in our youth's future? Where do you see LPS taking us?
I'll tell you,a good place to start would be to sign on board with THE NEW LYNN COALITION'S effort to open up LVTI as a community center. Let's maximize our resources.
Oh yeah, I was glad to see the famous COACH K there, he was one GREAT resource you wasted last year. Hopefully you have learned from your mistakes.
written (or copy and pasted) solely by Stanley H. Wotring, Jr. I am not a representative of the LSC (BUT I WANT TO BE!} nor are they responsible for the content. My email address is ***Lynn.School.Watch@gmail.com***. TIME TO GET SERIOUS!
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Being from West "By God" Virginia my late grandfather taught me a thing or two about trading ponies, "Always check their teeth". When I was five years old he gave me my first pony. A beautiful black mare, a little boys dream. Well you know in dreams, things aren't always the same as you remember.
In reality, "Midnight" was probably rescued from the glue factory and she was so"poor" the running joke was that she used to have to lean up against a tree to stand up. Sometimes she had a hitch in her gait. This somewhat crippled pony would foreshadow a somewhat crippled master. Still I was proud and happy with this gift from my grandfather. He didn't actually buy it for me, I mean he didn't pay cash., seems he traded a Barlow pocket knife. To me, he had done some fancy horse trading.
Things may be a lot busier up here but it seems like a lot of people up here take that advice. In fact, there seemed to be a real interest in the teeth of the students at FORD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Thanks to a program by FORSYTHE DENTAL, all of the students were given a free dental exam. Not that anybody is advocating "TRADING OFF" any kids but a good dental exam heads off other proms, both health and non-health.
Representative BOB FENNELL spearheaded this program. At FORD today he was given an award at the school, a "GOLDEN TOOTHBRUSH". I guess we all need a hero, an "ORAL HYGIENE HERO". DR CRANE and DR LATHAM was on hand for the presentation of the plaque. No pocket knife was needed for this trade, just a little dental floss.
In reality, "Midnight" was probably rescued from the glue factory and she was so"poor" the running joke was that she used to have to lean up against a tree to stand up. Sometimes she had a hitch in her gait. This somewhat crippled pony would foreshadow a somewhat crippled master. Still I was proud and happy with this gift from my grandfather. He didn't actually buy it for me, I mean he didn't pay cash., seems he traded a Barlow pocket knife. To me, he had done some fancy horse trading.
Things may be a lot busier up here but it seems like a lot of people up here take that advice. In fact, there seemed to be a real interest in the teeth of the students at FORD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Thanks to a program by FORSYTHE DENTAL, all of the students were given a free dental exam. Not that anybody is advocating "TRADING OFF" any kids but a good dental exam heads off other proms, both health and non-health.
Representative BOB FENNELL spearheaded this program. At FORD today he was given an award at the school, a "GOLDEN TOOTHBRUSH". I guess we all need a hero, an "ORAL HYGIENE HERO". DR CRANE and DR LATHAM was on hand for the presentation of the plaque. No pocket knife was needed for this trade, just a little dental floss.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
I'm glad to see the ITEM covered this story. Our schools need all the positive press it can get. I'm not always so nice.....
when it comes to kids and teachers.
Didn't I cover this story last night? I even had pictures cause I WENT TO THE PLAY.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Just as soon as I can figure out what it could do. Maybe it could follow the grants to see just where the money goes and identify just how much of it is spent on direct services and just how much is GOBBLED up in administrative costs. After all we just need to see who needs to give thanks and who is getting stuffed.
It is time for the people of LYNN to awaken from the BLACKness of FRIDAY to see the home grown talent we have here to witness the LYNN ENGLISH DRAMA CLUB'S production of Sleeping beauty. Support the ARTS while supporting our kids.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
This story is about a great way to spread holiday cheer and support our kids. Thank you LYNN ITEM!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Pictured in the center of this photo to DR LATHAM'S left was the great grandaughter of the school's namesake. How cool is that?
Mayor Kennedy made sure she got a piece of cake.
Just came from Brickett's 100th Birthday Bash. In the audience was the great granddaughter of the man the school was named after, DR. LATHAM, and MAYOR KENNEDY. Who wasn't in the audience was a member of the LSC. WHY WAS THAT?
NE-ARC Changes to Special Education (Procedure Lite) Lecture
Northeast Arc Presents Conversations with Robert Crabtree, Esq., Discussions on Procedure Lite and Updates in Special Education Law.
Parents, Community Leaders, Advocates, and others interested in Special Education are welcome to attend. Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM at Northeast Arc, 6 Southside Rd. Danvers, MA 01923. Light refreshments will be served. SPACE IS LIMITED Please RSVP to Lisa Puccia at ( 978) 624-2324 or lpuccia@ne-arc.org
**Please note** In the event of inclement weather this event will not be rescheduled
This event is brought to you free of charge due to the generosity of Kotin, Crabtree, & Strong, LLP and the Northeast Arc Educational Advocacy department, with funding in part by the United Way.
Parents, Community Leaders, Advocates, and others interested in Special Education are welcome to attend. Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM at Northeast Arc, 6 Southside Rd. Danvers, MA 01923. Light refreshments will be served. SPACE IS LIMITED Please RSVP to Lisa Puccia at ( 978) 624-2324 or lpuccia@ne-arc.org
**Please note** In the event of inclement weather this event will not be rescheduled
This event is brought to you free of charge due to the generosity of Kotin, Crabtree, & Strong, LLP and the Northeast Arc Educational Advocacy department, with funding in part by the United Way.
I believe I mentioned the Brickett celebration Thursday (see my last post). Once again I want to thank the ITEM for fleshing out my story (Okay it's not really my story It's Brickett's, That Chris Stevens is just so much better of a journalist than me, I'm jealous.).
If it hadn't been for them I might not have known the time. I guess that's the way the e mail bounces.
Brickett ready for birthday bash
If it hadn't been for them I might not have known the time. I guess that's the way the e mail bounces.
Brickett ready for birthday bash
Thursday, November 17, 2011
my e mails are blocked from LPS. So go ahead give them a call. I'm sure they are just hanging by the phone, waiting.
Possibly they heard then footsteps of the community marching but it looks like TECH may be opening up sooner than some of the community activists had planned (I attended a few meetings).
I thought I heard DR. LATHAM all giddy about opening up LYNN TECH at night. Mentioning current adult literacy programs and how some of the teachers are willing to work some in the evening for classes. There was talk about some special three day courses over Thanksgiving. Stay tuned to the papers, we were told. It'll be fun. Of course, the other LSC meeting for the month was cancelled. Scheduling conflict you know.
What is it all about? Is the OCCUPY LVTI movement dead, circumvented by CATHE and her prodigy PARADIS? Who cares cause we're getting what we want, open sesame.
Let's look a little closer. It's all about control. See the OCCUPY LVTI movement was about maximum utilization of resources, consumer control. It was more about TECH being used as a community center. Everyone is all for education but not everyone is for the controlled dispensation of knowledge. For Whom Does The Bell Ring? It Rings For Thee? Maybe, but you have to ask who is doing the ringing?
Once all the activism stops, who's gonna keep the lights on?
I thought I heard DR. LATHAM all giddy about opening up LYNN TECH at night. Mentioning current adult literacy programs and how some of the teachers are willing to work some in the evening for classes. There was talk about some special three day courses over Thanksgiving. Stay tuned to the papers, we were told. It'll be fun. Of course, the other LSC meeting for the month was cancelled. Scheduling conflict you know.
What is it all about? Is the OCCUPY LVTI movement dead, circumvented by CATHE and her prodigy PARADIS? Who cares cause we're getting what we want, open sesame.
Let's look a little closer. It's all about control. See the OCCUPY LVTI movement was about maximum utilization of resources, consumer control. It was more about TECH being used as a community center. Everyone is all for education but not everyone is for the controlled dispensation of knowledge. For Whom Does The Bell Ring? It Rings For Thee? Maybe, but you have to ask who is doing the ringing?
Once all the activism stops, who's gonna keep the lights on?
Your turkeys may not be in the oven yet for Thamksgiving but the LSC is done for the month. Well if they would have followed the regular schedule, rhe next meeting would have fallen on THANKSGIVING. Can't have that!
Does anyone remember what happened last year? I mean Christmas is next month and that orobably means a cancellation, Don't forget the weather and where we live. There are too many important issues to risk leaving them unaddressed.
Does anyone remember what happened last year? I mean Christmas is next month and that orobably means a cancellation, Don't forget the weather and where we live. There are too many important issues to risk leaving them unaddressed.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Ford School Garden Goodies
FORD SCHOOL had their Open House tonight in conjunction with the HIGHLAND COALITIONS 2ND ANNUAL HEALTH FAIR.
What a smart concept. By combing the two events, maximum attendance is guaranteed. Free pizza doesn't hurt. I'm a working man now so I only stayed an hour. I liked it better when I only had my muse to answer to.....
Although I never got to shake her hand, DR LATHAM made a quick visit. Glad to see she got to witness a real community school. LSC member MARIA CARRASCO was there from the start I think. As I was leaving my kids and I shook hands with CHARLIE GALLO who said he just came from some event over CLASSICAL. It showed real commitment to come out in the rain.
CITY COUNCILMAN DAN CAHILL and CITY COUNCILMAN- ELECT HONG NET not only braved the elements, both purchased jars of the limited edition jars of FORD SCHOOL GARDEN TOMATO PASTE pictured here. This picture was taken with my new I -Phone 4S. Now if I can just learn how to use it.
Monday, November 14, 2011
At the LSC meeting last Thurs. night Kristen Powers (aka - Hoodie Snack Diva) and her posse came to give face to DR, LATHAM and the LSC for restoring snack time to HOOD SCHOOL and making sure they got their allotted 20 minutes for lunch.
After a victory lap giving everybody at the table high fives, Kristen stepped back and let one of her home girls rock the mike during the open session. Not content to rest on their laurels, Ashley Felix stepped forward from posse of parents and raised the bold question, "What happened to all of the class parties around the holidays that used to always happen around certain holidays?" A lot of fond memories always seem to center around those times.
It seems that these are held at the discretion of the principal. There is no uniform policy, just like Hood's snack policy. I think they said there are 5 schools without snack time. Or at least until some angry parents spoke up.
After a victory lap giving everybody at the table high fives, Kristen stepped back and let one of her home girls rock the mike during the open session. Not content to rest on their laurels, Ashley Felix stepped forward from posse of parents and raised the bold question, "What happened to all of the class parties around the holidays that used to always happen around certain holidays?" A lot of fond memories always seem to center around those times.
It seems that these are held at the discretion of the principal. There is no uniform policy, just like Hood's snack policy. I think they said there are 5 schools without snack time. Or at least until some angry parents spoke up.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
I was perusing the new job postings and I noticed something rather peculiar. One of the new postings is a COMPLIANCE OFFICER. This new position comes after we have started the school year. This $92,000 a year position has as its principal duties - make sure that LPS is following all the rules and regulations. In the PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES there seems to be lots of references to civil rights, bullying, and discrimination. NOT GOOD!
Let me get this straight, our SPED department suddenly moves from LEVEL4 to LEVEL 2 and we get a new CO (excuse the prison vernacular), something smells fishy. That reminds me is it dinner time yet?
Let me get this straight, our SPED department suddenly moves from LEVEL4 to LEVEL 2 and we get a new CO (excuse the prison vernacular), something smells fishy. That reminds me is it dinner time yet?
Fifth grader, KATIE OSORIO wrote an award winning essay exploring the necessary actions needed to revitalize Lynn Beach and insure that it remains a safe place for people and animals alike. When KATIE was being recognized publicly by DR. LATHAM, she was praised for the totality of her concern for the whole environment and everything in the ecosystem.
The topic that National Geographic asked for was "WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP PROTECT THE EARTH?" KATIE'S essay was chosen from among hundreds nationwide.
Our most Honourable mayor, being the smart politician she is, took this opportunity to add to this special distinction by presenting a certificate commemorating this wondrous occasion.
From the sounds of the winning essay that was read at the LSC meeting, I hope that MISS OSORIO doesn't start writing BLOGS, I can't take the competition.
The topic that National Geographic asked for was "WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP PROTECT THE EARTH?" KATIE'S essay was chosen from among hundreds nationwide.
Our most Honourable mayor, being the smart politician she is, took this opportunity to add to this special distinction by presenting a certificate commemorating this wondrous occasion.
From the sounds of the winning essay that was read at the LSC meeting, I hope that MISS OSORIO doesn't start writing BLOGS, I can't take the competition.
Well LPS is getting more medical personnel, two new nurses in fact. That's mostly a good thing, we want our kids to be safe and well cared for. School nurses provide a valuable safety net.
I have a couple questions. Are these new positions or just replacements for existing ones? Judging by the job postings I couldn't tell but I'm none too smart. Then, how much are they costing us? I saw no specific salary listed, just the vague phrase, "As per contract" - which contract are we talking about? I remember Kevin McHugh saying at the last LSC meeting he wants to be as transparent as possible. CAN YOU SEE ME NOW?
I have a couple questions. Are these new positions or just replacements for existing ones? Judging by the job postings I couldn't tell but I'm none too smart. Then, how much are they costing us? I saw no specific salary listed, just the vague phrase, "As per contract" - which contract are we talking about? I remember Kevin McHugh saying at the last LSC meeting he wants to be as transparent as possible. CAN YOU SEE ME NOW?
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Building, that is. The Mass. School Building Authority approve DR. LATHAM'S plea for a larger building than the 1000 capacity design previously approved for a new Marshall. This was a hard fought victory and DR. LATHAM deserves some credit for that. From what everybody has been saying the MSBA is real tight with capacity.
I've heard that we have had anywhere from 400 to 800 new students this year. Whatever the actual number is, more overcrowding looks like it's in our future.
Now the next step is for Lynn City Council to approve a feasibility study. And somewhere we got to find 17 or so million dollars to pay our share of the new building costs.
I've heard that we have had anywhere from 400 to 800 new students this year. Whatever the actual number is, more overcrowding looks like it's in our future.
Now the next step is for Lynn City Council to approve a feasibility study. And somewhere we got to find 17 or so million dollars to pay our share of the new building costs.
According to a letter from the New England Association Of Schools And Colleges, Inc., Commission On Technical And Career Institutions, LVTI is no longer be on Warning and will receive its accreditation. Congratulations go to Diane Paradis, Director (aka, principal) of LVTI.
Now if we could just get the roof leaks fixed.
Now if we could just get the roof leaks fixed.
Friday, November 11, 2011
There were a number of stories that came out of last night's LSC meeting. Sure I told you who was and wasn't there but that only scratches the surface of the information I uncovered, discovered, and just plain found out.
I want to begin with this one, perhaps the most troubling, CERTIFIABLE. Well maybe not, that is the problem. Nestled on the third page of the third page of the night's agenda was the PERSONNEL.
This section is always lumped together in a rush to get to that non-debatable motion to adjourn the meeting. So as you would expect it is a perfect way to slip people and potential stories by unnoticed.
when a poor disabled poet just happens to be scanning the papers looking for something to write about. In this case it would be a tragedy or maybe it's just the same old song. In a time when we only have 1 school in the city that made AYP, it just doesn't seem like the time we ought to be hiring more unqualified teachers.
But that's just what we did. Out of 10 new assignments, 7 were not CERTIFIED for their positions. I'm not saying these people are not smart, they are probably all smarter than me. I know I couldn't pretend to keep up with a classroom. Hey I have tried a couple of times and IT AIN'T BEEN PRETTY. The bottom line is though if you are not certified for the position, you don't have a license. That makes you unqualified. Would you feel safe if your bus driver didn't have a license?
Why are we doing this? What message does it send about how much LPS cares about the education of our kids?
I want to begin with this one, perhaps the most troubling, CERTIFIABLE. Well maybe not, that is the problem. Nestled on the third page of the third page of the night's agenda was the PERSONNEL.
This section is always lumped together in a rush to get to that non-debatable motion to adjourn the meeting. So as you would expect it is a perfect way to slip people and potential stories by unnoticed.
when a poor disabled poet just happens to be scanning the papers looking for something to write about. In this case it would be a tragedy or maybe it's just the same old song. In a time when we only have 1 school in the city that made AYP, it just doesn't seem like the time we ought to be hiring more unqualified teachers.
But that's just what we did. Out of 10 new assignments, 7 were not CERTIFIED for their positions. I'm not saying these people are not smart, they are probably all smarter than me. I know I couldn't pretend to keep up with a classroom. Hey I have tried a couple of times and IT AIN'T BEEN PRETTY. The bottom line is though if you are not certified for the position, you don't have a license. That makes you unqualified. Would you feel safe if your bus driver didn't have a license?
Why are we doing this? What message does it send about how much LPS cares about the education of our kids?
Because of my involvement with the Lynn Disability Commission, I was waiting for the ITEM to break the story. I can't wait any longer.
At the second LYNN DISABILITY COMMISSION meeting, it was brought5t before the commission that LPS did not have TTY capability for deaf callers at the Parent Information Center. This is the initial and therefore most crucial point of access for parents with LPS. Twenty-one years after the passage of the ADA, it was time for LPS to recognize the civil rights of ALL our citizens.
So LDC member, NICOLAS CAPANO took the initiative and drafted a letter to DR. LATHAM requesting that LPS rectify the situation. She graciously agreed to do so.
We had a little formal ceremony where NICK presented DR. LATHAM with the letter. Head of the Parent Information Center, Dave Hegan joined me in the background. The ITEM was supposed to come but they didn't so NICK'S mother who happens to be LSC member PATTI CAPANO took pictures and sent them to the paper but they haven't made it in yet. Anyone could send me a copy and I will put it up.
At the second LYNN DISABILITY COMMISSION meeting, it was brought5t before the commission that LPS did not have TTY capability for deaf callers at the Parent Information Center. This is the initial and therefore most crucial point of access for parents with LPS. Twenty-one years after the passage of the ADA, it was time for LPS to recognize the civil rights of ALL our citizens.
So LDC member, NICOLAS CAPANO took the initiative and drafted a letter to DR. LATHAM requesting that LPS rectify the situation. She graciously agreed to do so.
We had a little formal ceremony where NICK presented DR. LATHAM with the letter. Head of the Parent Information Center, Dave Hegan joined me in the background. The ITEM was supposed to come but they didn't so NICK'S mother who happens to be LSC member PATTI CAPANO took pictures and sent them to the paper but they haven't made it in yet. Anyone could send me a copy and I will put it up.
Are you ready to help make Lynn Tech a community center?
Please join us for a meeting on November 14, 2011 at 6pm @ 112 Exchange St, Lynn
Pizza and Childcare will be provided RSVP to newlynnorg@gmail.com or Carly McClain at (781) 595-2538
Please join us for a meeting on November 14, 2011 at 6pm @ 112 Exchange St, Lynn
Pizza and Childcare will be provided RSVP to newlynnorg@gmail.com or Carly McClain at (781) 595-2538
Just came from the VETERAN'S DAY CEREMONY at Lynn City Hall. Moving ceremony. Among the other politicians there and there were a few, the LSC was represented by the number one vote-getter, RICK STARBARD and of course, our most honorable mayor, JUDY FLANAGAN KENNEDY.
An integral part to the ceremony was played by LPS's City Band in several virtuoso performances. Lynn English's JROTC had some precision displays to entertain what was described as one of the largest crowds in memory.
The distinguished guest speaker was none other than Shawn Tarasuik, U.S. Navy, w ho is also a fellow board member of PAC.
We all owe a debt of gratitude to all veterans who have fought so hard and at times sacrificed their lives in order to insure that we all have a right to get an education.
An integral part to the ceremony was played by LPS's City Band in several virtuoso performances. Lynn English's JROTC had some precision displays to entertain what was described as one of the largest crowds in memory.
The distinguished guest speaker was none other than Shawn Tarasuik, U.S. Navy, w ho is also a fellow board member of PAC.
We all owe a debt of gratitude to all veterans who have fought so hard and at times sacrificed their lives in order to insure that we all have a right to get an education.
Absent from last nights LSC meeting was John Ford. Don't know why, maybe he started his Veteran;s Day early. Vinnie Spirito cut out around 7:30 or so. His days on the committee are limited anyway. Fashion will never be the same. No one else can carry off those power ties.
Legal Eagle, Charlie Gallo was absent from last night's meeting. Prior to his election he was almost always at the meetings. I guess he didn't want to gloat. Niether were my friends from the SPED here and I had a flyer to give them. So, I gave it to Dr. Latham. I'm sure she was suspicious getting a paper from me, She probably thought I was serving her with court papers but it was just some info on an upcoming autism presentation.
Legal Eagle, Charlie Gallo was absent from last night's meeting. Prior to his election he was almost always at the meetings. I guess he didn't want to gloat. Niether were my friends from the SPED here and I had a flyer to give them. So, I gave it to Dr. Latham. I'm sure she was suspicious getting a paper from me, She probably thought I was serving her with court papers but it was just some info on an upcoming autism presentation.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tonight's "Unity-Bash" was a very good thing to help kick off collegiality (excuse me I've been reading too many Catholic books lately). We have a lot of problems in this city and we need to work together to solve them. I told you that mayor is a smart lady.
Almost everybody was there, both winners and losers of the Lynn City Council and the LSC. There seemed to be a real sense of togetherness.
RICK STARBARD did jokingly complain about my chronicling both his and CHARLIE GALLO'S follicular disabilities. I can't help that, I call as I see them or in this case I'm just pointing out what I don't see.
Almost everybody was there, both winners and losers of the Lynn City Council and the LSC. There seemed to be a real sense of togetherness.
RICK STARBARD did jokingly complain about my chronicling both his and CHARLIE GALLO'S follicular disabilities. I can't help that, I call as I see them or in this case I'm just pointing out what I don't see.
Tomorrow's LSC meeting should be interesting. Will CHARLIE GALLO show up to take a victory lap?
Will GQ dress down? Will RICK STARBARD'S head swell so much that more of his scalp become exposed? Will everybody pinch themselves when they realize Delores didn't get a seat?
Will GQ dress down? Will RICK STARBARD'S head swell so much that more of his scalp become exposed? Will everybody pinch themselves when they realize Delores didn't get a seat?
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
BUZZY BARTON winning a new seat along with HONG NET insures a historic election. Two candidates that I don't believe ever held an elected office before beating out two incumbents has to put shivers down the spines of the old boys and their network.
Male pattern baldness has to be the primary concern in the LSC vote as I see it. In a complete turn around the bottom two candidates in the initial election turned the tables and came out on top in this general election. I think it was somewhat unfair that RICK STARBARD and CHARLIE GALLO didn't have to spend as much time on fixing their hair as the other candidates.
That extra time allowed CHARLIE to be everywhere and RICK could spend more time holding signs and knocking on doors. Now there will be no one on the school committee to set the fashion bar with GQ gone. I bet the rest of these guys buy off the rack.
I am surprised Delores didn't make it. On paper she is probably the most qualified but sometimes good credentials can be intimidating. I think both RICK and CHARLIE connected much better on a personal level. They may have pumped the flesh better but I would still rather get a hug from DEE. Hey what do you expect, I am on my fourth wife!
That extra time allowed CHARLIE to be everywhere and RICK could spend more time holding signs and knocking on doors. Now there will be no one on the school committee to set the fashion bar with GQ gone. I bet the rest of these guys buy off the rack.
I am surprised Delores didn't make it. On paper she is probably the most qualified but sometimes good credentials can be intimidating. I think both RICK and CHARLIE connected much better on a personal level. They may have pumped the flesh better but I would still rather get a hug from DEE. Hey what do you expect, I am on my fourth wife!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Interesting initial PAC meeting tonight. The SPED Department was well represented with Dr. Menino, Lydia Muggeo, and Jessica McGaughlin were there along with Frances Martinez, the Parent Liaison, was also there.
Frances spoke to some of the parents that showed up in their own language. A nice touch. Also, she announced that at least some of the SPED Departments extension numbers will now be listed on the website.
I don't know, I haven't checked it out yet. Remember I had post complaining about not having those numbers. But they didn't get the idea from me because, NOBODY AT LPS READS MY BLOG.
Frances spoke to some of the parents that showed up in their own language. A nice touch. Also, she announced that at least some of the SPED Departments extension numbers will now be listed on the website.
I don't know, I haven't checked it out yet. Remember I had post complaining about not having those numbers. But they didn't get the idea from me because, NOBODY AT LPS READS MY BLOG.
My number 1 vote is going to Donna Coppola and I am only voting for four. If I was to vote for six, my next two would go to Charlie Gallo and John Ford.
Dear Friends,
Please take a minute on November 8, 2011 (Tuesday) to cast your VOTE! Polls are open (7am to 8pm).
Every VOTE counts and I would like to be your newly elected Lynn School Committee member.
Thank you for your continued support and VOTE!
I will not let you down. The future of our children & grandchildren's education depends on what we do today!
Respectfully Submitted,
Dolores DiFillipo
Candidate for Lynn School Committee
Please take a minute on November 8, 2011 (Tuesday) to cast your VOTE! Polls are open (7am to 8pm).
Every VOTE counts and I would like to be your newly elected Lynn School Committee member.
Thank you for your continued support and VOTE!
I will not let you down. The future of our children & grandchildren's education depends on what we do today!
Respectfully Submitted,
Dolores DiFillipo
Candidate for Lynn School Committee
Saturday, November 5, 2011
The Committee to Elect Judith Flanagan Kennedy
presents a
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Join us for chips and pretzels as we analyze, debate &
discuss the election.
Franco-American Post
535 Western Avenue, Lynn
Donation: $20.00
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Judith Flanagan Kennedy, Kevin Kennedy, Treasurer
Hood School parent, Kristen Powers, had a nice "Letter to the editor" calling all parents to come to the LSC meeting Thursday night because the school snack policy is "on the table". I'm guessing here but the policy will be discussed in sub-committee before the actual 7 pm meeting and then bumped up to the regular meeting to be either approved or disapproved by the full committee.
In between the public will have a chance to communicate their views. Multiple bodies would say more than words. Let me join with Ms. Powers and urge you to speak up. Besides it gets pretty lonely sitting so alone in the audience.
In between the public will have a chance to communicate their views. Multiple bodies would say more than words. Let me join with Ms. Powers and urge you to speak up. Besides it gets pretty lonely sitting so alone in the audience.
As promised, here is the PAC details, 7 pm meeting at 10 Church Street, Lynn on Nov. 7. I wonder who I'll see there? After all elections are the next day.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Seems like LPS has got it out for my BFF according to what she thinks, at least. Maybe she is just suffering from a Kool-Aid induced paranoia.
Seems like some high-priced private lawyer, aka - gun-for-hire, is filtering all my BFF's communication with the SPED department. Tossing all that legal double-talk around puts up barriers that ends up detracting from any kind of positive outcome.
If this is true, it's a terrible waste of dwindling resources. Lawyers don't spend much time in front of the blackboard.
Me, on the other hand, what can they do get some dead, able-bodied poet after me? I ain't afraid of no ghosts!
Seems like some high-priced private lawyer, aka - gun-for-hire, is filtering all my BFF's communication with the SPED department. Tossing all that legal double-talk around puts up barriers that ends up detracting from any kind of positive outcome.
If this is true, it's a terrible waste of dwindling resources. Lawyers don't spend much time in front of the blackboard.
Me, on the other hand, what can they do get some dead, able-bodied poet after me? I ain't afraid of no ghosts!
The year's first PAC meeting is Monday night at 7:00 pm. This will be my first meeting as treasurer. This should be interesting since my e mails are still BLOCKED from LPS. When I get more details, I will share them.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Unfortunately I started a new job so I didn't get around to actually going to this event even though I went to a couple of the planning meetings and wrote a couple pieces. This is a good idea and the ITEM covered it okay
the reference to Patricia Capano was confusing. She is NOT LSC chairman. She may support the idea of making LVTI a community center, I wasn't there. However PETE Capano (along with others) is on to something.We already are paying for these buildings, so let's maximize their use.
Tech-nically speaking, a good idea
the reference to Patricia Capano was confusing. She is NOT LSC chairman. She may support the idea of making LVTI a community center, I wasn't there. However PETE Capano (along with others) is on to something.We already are paying for these buildings, so let's maximize their use.
Tech-nically speaking, a good idea
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Planning for Life After Special Education in Massachusetts
A Transition Services Online Manual featuring Basic Legal Rights, Forms, Resources and Video. This Manual is written for parents and students who are advocating for better transition services, including social, vocational and independent living skills. It is written in an easy-to-understand format but also contains “Endnotes” and an Appendix at the end of the Manual with legal information for attorneys and experienced advocates.
The Manual was edited by the Disability Law Center (DLC), in partnership with the Federation for Children with Special Needs, the Institute for Community Inclusion, and Mass. Advocates for Children. It was written by the Northeastern University School of Law Legal Skills in Social Context program.
DLC will be updating and improving the Manual on a regular basis. We plan to include more videos of students, parents and advocates, in English, ASL and Spanish, as well as updates on legal developments, new forms, and other practical advice.
Special Education Transition Services Online Manual
The Manual was edited by the Disability Law Center (DLC), in partnership with the Federation for Children with Special Needs, the Institute for Community Inclusion, and Mass. Advocates for Children. It was written by the Northeastern University School of Law Legal Skills in Social Context program.
DLC will be updating and improving the Manual on a regular basis. We plan to include more videos of students, parents and advocates, in English, ASL and Spanish, as well as updates on legal developments, new forms, and other practical advice.
Special Education Transition Services Online Manual
This headline is a little misleading since Cobbett's scores were the LOWER end of the spectrum, but hey we'll take the positive attention. If you had been to or watched the LSC meetings, you new this "visit" had been planned.
Patrick touts state performance on fourth- and eighth-grade tests
Patrick touts state performance on fourth- and eighth-grade tests
Faithful WATCH readers knew about this stuff a while back. Still positive press is a good thing.
» It’s a blue-ribbon day for Topsfield winners at Ford School
» It’s a blue-ribbon day for Topsfield winners at Ford School
Lynn candidates release spending info
Starbard is hoping dollars translate into votes come election day. This an interesting statistic given his poor, 7th place showing, in the primary.
Starbard is hoping dollars translate into votes come election day. This an interesting statistic given his poor, 7th place showing, in the primary.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
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