written (or copy and pasted) solely by Stanley H. Wotring, Jr. I am not a representative of the LSC (BUT I WANT TO BE!} nor are they responsible for the content. My email address is ***Lynn.School.Watch@gmail.com***. TIME TO GET SERIOUS!
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Monday, May 30, 2011
Phelan Fights For What?
Funny, the things you find out when you ask questions. Remember this whole thing started with a question about ethics. Then I hear this story about a fire in Phelan's office building and then the securing a historical building to turn it into a new office building and a convenience store. So much for the historical INTEGRITY of our economic. development plans. You can never have too many convenience stores, I mean that's why they call them convenient.
I first saw this posting in that great blog "Heart of Lynn" and "borrowed" it for one of my other blogs, "The Highlands Watch" then I thought to myself, "Hey, it was Fredrick Douglass I repeatedly referenced in the beginning of my struggles with the school department to insure the civil rights of my son.
Lynn should be proud of our history and heritage and celebrate the lessons learned long ago. Therefore I thought it was appropriate to mention it here.
Event: Mass Humanities, celebrating abolition history
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Sunday, May 29, 2011
Marshall Student To Be Opening Act
Highlands Coaltion Member's Daughter, Asiah Wotring To Sing At .....
World Folk Festival
Berklee College students - music from Greece, Turkey, India and the Middle East. Ayumi Ueda’s Women of the World. Roberto Rios flamenco.
Crystal Panjammers Steel Band, Coco Torres Cuban son, Julio Bare, Khmer Cultural dancers, Ralph Mancini songs of Italy, Henri Orel & friends songs from Haiti and music from the Civil Rights movement.
Secrets Revealed?
Someone told me that notes were supposed to be taken and that we are entitled to see them. This way we can see the thinking that went into granting SCROOGE a 5% pay RAISE. Hopefully some people other than me will be interested enough to make some calls. A little birdie told me that some people are getting a little annoyed with me.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Things Just Get Stranger
They did say there was a long history of doing this, so I would guess it is paid. Then that raises the question, "Who pays, the union or the school department". Hmm seems to me, if the union members are then they are not getting their money's worth since they haven't had a raise in three or so years. If it is the school department, bravo to them, their investment is paying off, "Scrooge" got a nice increase.
Something else happened at the last meeting that kind of raised my suspicions. During a little break I was chasing down the prize winning poets or the nationally recognized marching Dogs, looking for a story and the teacher's union asked if I was going to put a positive story in now. Whoa! I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN PRO STUDENT AND PRO TEACHER, WHY WOULD HE MAKE A COMMENT LIKE THAT?
Well he did just get a one year's "leave of absence".
Friday, May 27, 2011
New Deputy, Pay Raise For Business Manager But No Librarians And Teachers With No Contract For Three Years
Kevin "Scrooge" McHugh got a 5% raise at a time when we have NO LIBRARIANS, overcrowded classrooms, not enough reading teachers, and I think our teachers have been without a contract for three years. We have 2 Level 4 schools, 3 more supposedly will join them and all but three of our 26 schools failed to make AYP. Please tell me how this raise was justified?
Oh I know, he saved us all that money from cutting out the librarians and not increasing teacher's salaries. Plus he must have helped Dr. Latham find extra money in the budget so we can have another $140,000 employee that PARENTS have to make an appointment to see. Lynn, Lynn, City Of Friends!
Councilman Phelan, I saved a seat for you last night but yo never showed up. I was expecting you. I figured you would be outraged at this display of fiscal irresponsibility. You called for an Ethics investigation for an amount half of Scrooge's PAY RAISE. I've told you CITY COUNCIL needs to watch where the money's going.
Pickering Poetry Prima Donnas!
Here I am on Flax Pond, my favorite place to be.
My name is Olly the Ice Molecule and I'm feeling crazy.
The hockey players are here today skating so close by.
The guys are rough and tough. They shoot, they block they fly.
Winter is ending now. The temperature has increased.
My particles are sliding apart. I will soon be deceased.
Olly iis not ice anymore. What will he be now?
The happy little molecule is pond water-wow.
All of my ice buddies have joined me in the pond.
Our particles are totally loosened and they won't bond.
SPLASH! Some kids just jumped into the "drink".
Swimmers and boaters are here. We won't let them sink.
It's such a hot summer. We might all evaporate.
Weee, I'm being lifted up. This feels so great.
My particles are expanding, as I fly into the air.
Where am I going now? Will my Flax Pond Buddies be there?
Matthew Cole
Of all the places in the world, how did Iend up here?
A tiny ice molecule, frozen with fear.
I'm stuck on the snowboard of a crazy, daring boy.
Here he goes again trying a double twist with joy!
Ahhh, help me, I'm falling - thud! Oh no.
My particles feel tightly packed as I land in the snow.
The sun s beating down on me. The snowbank's shrinking fast.
I'm feling warmer and warmer. How long will I last?
My molecules are loosening and I'm in a liquid state.
Oh my gosh I'm part of a puddle. What will be my fate?
Wow, I'm feeling so light headed, floating in the atmosphere.
Evaporated into water vapor, what will happen here?
My tiny mind wonders. But I don't know.
They say that the weatherman has predicted snow!
Christopher Cole
Phelan calls for Ethics probe
Twin Towers Of Power Provide Perfect Poetry Presentation
Two twin brothers, CHRIS AND MATT COLE, from PICKERING won a poetry contest in the"humorous" category held at Boston College.My son alo goes to Pickering and is in the same grade, sixth as these boys, SIXTH.
They wowed the crowd with their polished recitations of their prize-winning entries. I have copies and will get them up later today as promised but iN the interest of time I can't do it now cause I got to go DO LIBRARY STUFF but they will be up later today!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Teachers, Did You Get A Raise?
AFTER dismissing the audience because they were going into executive session over a contrqct and that NOTHING would be missed by the (public) crowd. THEN they went into executive ession ad cme back with NEWS.
THE NEWS - business manager Kevin McHugh was given a NEW 3 year contract with a RAISE to $121,000 year. A vote was taken when they came back into open session, Voting yes to the contract and the RAISE was the mayor, GQ, John Ford, and "Gotta Go" Capano. Voting NO was Donna Coppola, Maria Carrasco, and Rick Starbard.
Now You See It, Now You Don't!
Hey they just hired a new PARENT LIAISON ( and it wasn't me). Why aren't they posting that (not that it wasn't me, it was that La Vida lady)? Are they trying to hide something? Stay tuned.
Oprah's Gone, How About Looking To The Watch?
I may not be pretty to look at but I do have a little accent left if you can distinguish it from my slurred speech and there is MAKEUP. Maybe I don't have a big production studio or a large staff. But there is LYNNCAM.
I don't know detail but someone out there does.
I am a creative person,. I'm not much into details
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tackling The Hill
This was taken from his campaign website:
As a two-term member of the Lynn School Committee, I am proud of the many accomplishments our school system has achieved within the past four years. As a Councilor-At-Large, I continued my commitment to academic excellence by advocating for the allocation of more city resources to help support our most vital service.
Does that sound a little hypocritical?
What about this, taken again from his website?
As your Councilor At-Large, I will continue to work hard to ensure our schools continue receiving necessary additional funding as we tackle tough issues facing our district. We must continue to provide a safe and sound facility at Classical High School. We must continue to build new secondary and elementary schools to replace inadequate buildings that date back well over 100 years. We must provide sufficient funding to retain our hard working faculty, staff, and administrators who tirelessly provide the highest quality of education in the area
Again, where should he be tomorrow night?
FW: typo!
From: walshclay@hotmail.com
To: stanleywotring@msn.com
Subject: typo!
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 14:26:51 -0400
Sorry to bother you, just noticed a typo. I just changed "friends or all ages" to "friends of all ages"
Walsh defends 2008 arrest allegations
It has come to my attention that a blogger in the city has reposted the Sun Chronicle police release regarding my arrest in 2008. While I am not sure of the bloggers intentions, the people of Lynn deserve a response from me.
I was arrested for a crime I did not commit. The arrest in 2008 is a part of my past and I have always spoken openly about it, including during an interview done with the Lynn Item in 2010 when I ran for State Rep. However, I don't make it a point to bring up to everyone I meet, as I was innocent. The fact is that I was not convicted of this crime and I have never been convicted of any crime.
In 2008 I was arrested for a horrible crime called child enticement. It did not reflect my actions or intentions and was thrown out of court in February of 2010. The online article fails to mention that the individual in the case had a MySpace page which stated she was 18 years of age along with photos of her drinking tequila. While a couple of instant message conversations did take place, it was nothing more to me than sexual banter.
I did not know this online individual, and I never agreed to meet in person. After my arrest, police seized every computer in my home and a judge confined me to house arrest as a bail condition. While it was alleged that I "lured" the individual from their home the chats presented as evidence showed that I never arranged a meeting. It was also brought to the court's attention that I never left my house or attempted to meet the online individual.
The fact that I was put on house arrest does not mean that I was convicted or guilty. While I do not agree with it, judges have the option to place individuals on home confinement as a condition of bail. Ironically, the judge never ordered a dangerousness hearing, which is usually the place those decisions are made.
In regards to other rumors, I do have a facebook account and I have friends of all ages there. I use my facebook to build my campaign and communicate with friends. As I am single, I believe that I have the right to date or chat with females who are adults. Any speculation otherwise is plain witch hunting.
At the end of the day, this online article from the Sun Chronicle is nothing more than allegations. Its use to smear my name without having my side of the story is disappointing. I appreciate anyone who shares this story so that my name is cleared. Those close to me who witnessed my fight through the court process consider me a stronger and individual, who is very capable of fighting for Lynn's future.
Robert Clay Walsh
Student's Smear Old Music
Standing in front of the class were three high school students from GOVERNORS ACADEMY talking about the various genres of music and their origins. After a guest lecture by these students, they led the students in a little musical number where the third graders accompanied the GOVERNOR"S students with a bevy of percussion instruments.
It was "Not Cool" that these kids made fun of music I grew up with. I can't wait until their kids laugh at their music.
FW: Walsh Press Release
I received the following e mail. I thank Clay for responding and as promised I am posting it.
From: walshclay@hotmail.com
To: stanleywotring@msn.com
Subject: Walsh Press Release
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 11:25:09 -0400
Dear Lynn School Watch readers,
I was arrested for a crime I did not commit. The arrest in 2008 is a part of my past and I have always spoken openly about it, including during an interview done with the Lynn Item in 2010 when I ran for State Rep. However, I don't make it a point to bring up to everyone I meet, as I was innocent. The fact is that I was not convicted of this crime and I have never been convicted of any crime.
In 2008 I was arrested for a horrible crime called child enticement. It did not reflect my actions or intentions and was thrown out of court in February of 2010. The online article fails to mention that the individual in the case had a MySpace page which stated she was 18 years of age along with photos of her drinking tequila. While a couple of instant message conversations did take place, it was nothing more to me than sexual banter.
I did not know this online individual, and I never agreed to meet in person. After my arrest, police seized every computer in my home and a judge confined me to house arrest as a bail condition. While it was alleged that I "lured" the individual from their home the chats presented as evidence showed that I never arranged a meeting. It was also brought to the court's attention that I never left my house or attempted to meet the online individual.
The fact that I was put on house arrest does not mean that I was convicted or guilty. While I do not agree with it, judges have the option to place individuals on home confinement as a condition of bail. Ironically, the judge never ordered a dangerousness hearing, which is usually the place those decisions are made.
In regards to other rumors, I do have a facebook account and I have friends or all ages there. I use my facebook to build my campaign and communicate with friends. As I am single, I believe that I have the right to date or chat with females who are adults. Any speculation otherwise is plain witch hunting.
At the end of the day, this online article from the Sun Chronicle is nothing more than allegations. Its use to smear my name without having my side of the story is disappointing. I appreciate anyone who shares this story so that my name is cleared. Those close to me who witnessed my fight through the court process consider me a stronger and individual, who is very capable of fighting for Lynn's future.
Robert Clay Walsh
Strange Departure
How after less than a year in the position can the President of your union take a year off? Maybe there are legitimate reasons, but is he going to remain president? How can he adequately represent you if he is not on the job? Where will he be? Is this tantamount to union busting? Help me please
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Google Digs The Dirt
Robert C. Walsh III, 31, a bartender at Maddie's Sail Loft in Marblehead, allegedly tried to lure the girl out of her home to engage in sex with her before the girl told her mother, who then went to police, authorities said Friday.
After sending the girl an instant message on June 2, "there were several inappropriate conversations that took place over the next three or four days," Detective Todd Bramwell said during a bail hearing in Attleboro District Court.
Walsh asked the girl for sex and "tried to lure her from her home and tried to meet her in different locations," Bramwell said.
After the mother reported the incidents to police, investigators took over the Internet communication from the girl's computer before obtaining an arrest warrant for Walsh and a search warrant for his home.
He was ordered held in jail until Monday, when he was expected to be released on $10,000 cash bail on home confinement with a series of conditions and monitoring with an electronic bracelet.
Judge Robert E. Baylor agreed to release on bail but not before court officials in Lynn can hook up Walsh with the electronic device.
Upon his release, Walsh will be prohibited from using a computer or the Internet. He was also ordered to have no contact with the victim or children younger than 17. He cannot drink alcoholic beverages and must undergo random alcohol tests and random visits from probation officials.
Bramwell, who was the lead investigator on the case, said that when police went to Walsh's home in Lynn, his parents told police he was not home.
Police seized the computers in the home, then found a wire leading from a first-floor window to a garage. Following the wire, they found Walsh in one of two offices in the rear of the garage. But the defendant's mother, Carolyn Walsh, who was in court with other family members, said that was untrue.
"I never told them he was not home. I told them where he worked. I didn't know if he was home or not. They are lying," she said.
Carolyn Walsh said the arraignment was the first she heard of the allegations against her son.
"He's my son. I love him and I don't know anything more, other than what I heard and you heard," she told a Sun Chronicle reporter.
Bramwell alleged that Walsh sent the girl an e-mail photo of himself, and that the girl spoke on the telephone with a man who said he was "Clay." Walsh's middle name is Clay.
The girl did not agree to meet with Walsh, and she did the right thing by telling her mother, Bramwell said.
"Parents should know there are dangers out there and they should be aware of what their children are doing on the Internet," Bramwell said.
The computers seized by police will be examined by experts with the Metropolitan Law Enforcement Council computer crimes unit.
Assisting Bramwell in the investigation were detectives Sgt. Thomas Peterson and Stephen Desfosses. They were assisted by members of the Metropolitan Enforcement Council computer crimes unit and the Bristol County District Attorney's Office.
Mark Your Calenders!
Wednesday, May 25 · 5:30pm - 7:30pm
| |
103 Federal St. (Hibernian Hall) Lynn
| |
Monday, May 23, 2011
What Are We Supposed To Do About Our Trespasses?
The actions of the principal as they were recounted reflect a rigid interpretation of the rules, policy, or laws that pertain to the legal definition of "trespassing" without regard to who was the violator. "If you shoot first, you won't have to be bothered with asking questions later."
I am sure it was just a coincidence that this principal just happens to be married to the LPS's attorney. We just ALL need to remember who we are here for.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
FW: Heart of Lynn
Heart of Lynn | |
Concept: Let kids play in schoolyard Posted: 21 May 2011 10:19 AM PDT In a letter to the Editor to the Daily Item, dated May 20, 2011, a concerned parent writes 'Let kids play in the schoolyard'. Why are some school yards not open-space, open to the public after hours? Why do most schools have no grass fields, trees and benches? ![]() |
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It's Your Party But These Are Our Schools
I don't think I will be going though and it's not just because my fragile ego was bruised. Okay, maybe a little. The real reason is that Dan Cahill should be joining me in the audience at Thursday night's long awaited LSC meeting. Perhaps he could even ask for details on how the school department plans to spend money for next year's budget during open-mike. As a city councilman he should be concerned since half Lynn's city budget goes to the schools.
What's more important, an evening of appetizers and long-winded conversation or learning what "GQ" is wearing as he champions the fight for more administrators? Priorities people!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Coming To A School Near You
It's All In How You Look At It
You are partially right and completely wrong. I am proud of my son's accomplishments like most parents but more and more the burden for our children's development has fallen upon our schools. The better coordination we have between what may be considered non-school related extracurricular activities and our schools only makes for a better well rounded child. I would venture a guess that the better rounded a student is the better their test scores. I am getting precariously close to sounding like a "math" person. Someone, please rescue me from the dark side.
Another interesting thing was how one of the coaches was lamenting the fact that it was the first night game in Lynn (I expect for the season) and that there was no media coverage (he didn't know who I was and what I do). What this coach is pointing out is that we are living in a society that concentrates too much on our opportunities for failure and does not place enough value on what we have accomplished. Of course, then we can debate the definition of just what an "accomplishment" is, but that's another slippery slope.
Take My Job, Please!
The kids have been great but I am a writer and a reader, I don't do well with shelves. I look forward to the day we put reading back in learning and pay due reverence to our libraries establishing them as our shrines to education.
Besides if I wasn't spending time volunteering, I would have more time to understand how adding another $140,000 a year deputy would help in reducing class sizes or in adding some reading teachers. I would also have more time to perhaps better understand why I didn't even get ACKNOWLEDGED in my one man campaign to get the PARENT LIAISON job.
OOPS! Another Scoop?
Friday, May 20, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Civic's Lessons Writ Large
I learned about the importance of voting and my civic responsibilities in SCHOOL back in WV. Restoring voting back at the Ford School is the right thing for a number of reasons.Today along with some other citizens from the Highlands neighborhood filed complaints with the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination. I will leave it to the ITEM to flesh out the details and the city's attorneys to respond to our complaint but I GOT THE SCOOP.
What Was In Our Wallet?
Upon closer examination a budget is not really much more than a wish list, more akin to sitting on Santa's lap and reciting our desires than what actually appears under the tree on Christmas morning. Now is last year's Christmas's morning for last year's budget. Let's see what we got.
After all Uncle Sam gave us 4.5 million or so dollars to buy some new educational toys and Uncle Deval chipped in another 4 million. All of this was AFTER we gave our wish list to the LSC. Let's see what we got. How can we know what we want or need if we don't know what we got?
Not only would I like to see next year's budget on-line but I would also like to see last year's balance sheet on-line as well. How can this present any problems? SHOW ME THE MONEY!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
What Better Place To Learn To Vote?
This story interests me for a couple of reasons. How can there be security concerns only at Ford School? I mean they allow voting at English, Shoemaker, and Sisson. If safety is a concern why are we putting those students at risk? Are they saying that poor, minority kids need more stringent protection?Voting occuring in a school is an important lesson in civics. Streams of citizens passing by provide for an education in democracy that textbooks can't provide.
The second reason this story interests me is the ADA angle. It infuriates me that a perversion of the regulations was used to gerrymander this district. Plus, city government is trying to put a price-tag on our civil liberties. I think MCAS still covers history, maybe some people ought to study up on it before they pass judgement.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Ford Makes The Papers
It was GREAT to see so many kids yesterday interested in working on the school newspaper yesterday after school. Getting 25 to 30 3rd and 4th graders to spend an hour after school, especially after MCAS was invigorating. Learning the power of the written word is an important lesson.
They voted on a name, "The Ford Falcon". Working on this publication is sure to take their education to new heights.
More Monkey Business
Spring is in the air but flowers aren't the only thing you are smelling. Last Thursday's LSC meeting was cancelled to to a sudden scheduling conflict for John Ford. I reported this days ago and no one has gotten back with me to dispute the truth of the statement. So that must have been true. I don't understand the need to cancel a meeting jut cause one member is absent. Does anybody remember last winter? We missed a lot of meetings and it made it hard for me to come up with stories.
It turns out that on the agenda for that meeting was approval for a medical leave of absence for the teacher's aide who was ARRESTED for drug's. Maybe a medical leave was appropriate for someone battling an addiction but usually an "intervention" involves family members and medical personnel and not the POLICE. When cops get involved they have another name for it, it's called an ARREST.
Looks like friends and family tried to intervene by helping getting him the job working with our kids. I suddenly have developed a keen interest in history. I wonder about prior records and documentation of an medically approved rehabilitation plan or if it was just a "seat of your pants" self regulation.
Well, like I said it's spring, time to go to the zoo to see some caged monkeys. I'm tired of seeing them run wild and doing their business.
Keeping Secrets
I am just a little curious. Why was the position closed for the teacher's aide that was ARRESTED? Was it closed or they have just not found a replacement? Oh, I forgot it's a personnel matter no one can discuss it.
Funny though when me and a parent had a meeting with Drs. Latham and Wary, Lydia Muggeo and Sue Howell, they had planned on using that same aide position to support another student in another classroom only to discover he was no longer there. No one can accuse Dr. Latham of secret plans.
I guess they hadn't read the police blotter.
Planting, Political......It All Starts With P
Who is responsible for planting narcotic weeds in Ford's International garden? As Secretary of the Highlands Coalition (one of my growing collection of hats) I am deeply troubled by the renegade placement of rogue vegetation in our backyard. We are doing positive things for the neighborhood, the Ford School, and our kids. So it just cuts against the grain to try and place a bad seed in the mix.
One of the accomplishments of our group that gets touted at almost every HICO meeting is our part in closing down a local drug house and now we have had to deal with a plant from the administration bearing spoiled fruit. Just at a time when everything was put in a Rowe (darn those typos).
Can The Cameras Catch The Money?
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Officer Ferrari for all the hard work and having the (tele)vision to establish security and safety in our schools. Questions about civil liberties are the price we pay for living in the modern world.
My biggest question/concern is if maybe Officer Ferrari could put up a few more cameras up. In fact, I would suggest he place them down at 90 Commercial St. (Administration building) so we could maybe see where that 8 million dollars in grant money received after last year's budget was passed was spent. Since I am not alleging any wrong doing, it won't be necessary to have it piped directly into the police station. May I suggest a "live" stream to the Internet so all of the "Watch's" readers can do their own snooping.
No wrong doing, nothing to hide. That was a declarative statement, not a question. We never had a test like the MCAS back in the old days in WV, but I know the difference.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Lack Of PAC
My BFF made phone calls that went unanswered and because of David's dependability we were asking around if anybody had a police scanner to check on recent car accidents. Finally Melissa gets a call from David's house. He had been on the the side of the building with Lydia Muggeo and a few other people who were wondering where we were.
The confusion did not stop there or maybe I should say began there. It seems that some at the SPED department said they forgot to make the reminder calls that go out to the parents of SPED students. It wasn't like this was n important meeting anything, only NOMINATIONS were going to be held. I am sure LPS sincerely WANTS the parents to be involved. Look they left the PARENT LIAISON position VACANT for TWO years until they could find the right person for the job.
Anyway my BFF wants the new PARENT LIAISON to have the responsibility for making these reminder calls. That way we would know who to hold responsible. I added that she could do them in two languages. After all that was a skill that she possesses that made it unnecessary to even give me the courtesy of a "Don't Call Us, We'll Call You" letter. STOP IT, I AM NOT BITTER.
Tonight's PAC Forcast
Well if my son's baseball game gets rained out I am going to be begging her for a ride to 10 Church St. at around 7 pm tonight. I guess since I wasn't good enough to be considered for the PARENT LIAISON position, I better be just a parent.
Our students are so great! It's only by recognizing past mistakes, we can avoid repeating them. LEARNING is about making mistakes and then always trying not repeating them. Such a project as BREED has undertaken shows both a desire to learn and social responsibility. Good for them, good for us.
Lynn Classical scholarship fundraiser Saturday
I'm always up for eating. The ITEM article tells the truth, the cost of a college education is hard to digest. So here is a way to help avoid stomach problems, a little proactive eating. You may not be able to avoid all of the ills of paying for higher education, but maybe ome people will get a few less ulcers.
Lynn Students Take The Lead
This a very positive story about the potential of our students. Kudos to Diana Kerry and North Shore Community College for initiating this program. I believe the WATCH broke this story MONTHS ago. I admit the GLOBE developed this story a lot better and I got earlier because I had a "mole" in the program, MY DAUGHTER.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Same Old Songs
Then I believe he had on the Eagles song, "Pretty Maids All In A Rowe" (darn those typos) from the "Hotel California" album. Music is important in education.
"You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave" Let's hear those triple guitars!
"MUD" Wrestling The Issues (sorry, that is a catchy title)
I am not writing this post to dig up any "DIRT" on anybody (sorry Clay I couldn't resist), I want to give Clay props for recognizing education's importance and recognizing CITY Council's responsibility in seeing that CITY COUNCIL has a part in carrying out any educational plans. After all as I have repeated over and over, half of the city's budget gets shipped down to Commercial St. It blows my mind that the Councillors are content to trust the mayor as chairperson of the LSC with such a huge blank check. All they have to do is ask and I'll save them a seat in the audience at the next LSC meeting.
For all of you fellow parents out there, please call your Councilmen and ask, "Why aren't you all up in the LSC's Kool-Aid?". Our kid's education is all our business.
My Summer Reading List
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Hearing All That Is Said
Hearing is not just about listening to sounds though, it's also about perceiving what's being said or trying to be communicated. Words come with their own baggage and how they are delivered can be a message all its own. Everything maters.
What Will I Do With Time On My Hands?
There is a little thing called the SCHOOL BUDGET and upcoming ELECTIONS that the WATCH might be interested in. It takes time to concentrate on issues and line items. I'd kind of like to spend a little time studying fashion. My cane is so last year as an acceptable accessory. Any suggestions on any fashion icons I can look up to?
Who Is It All For?
Friday, May 13, 2011
Have They Seen The Light?
Lynn Showing its Colors, again
Two of those are located in the area – that is – in Lynn and in, of all places, Marblehead.
Here, the Thurgood Marshall Middle School, built in 1923, serves almost 900 students. It is the rough equivalent of a slum in need of heating and electricity and science labs. It has no science labs and has no public address system.
Why, we would ask, have no efforts been made to approach the General Electric Company to provide two or three science labs for this school?
Why have local businessmen who care not been approached about donating a public address system and why haven’t local tradesmen been asked for their efforts to correct whatever is wrong with the heating system and electricity?
Why no outreach? Why only excuses, excuses, excuses?
In Marblehead, those people ought to know better. They are so rich but so cheap.
Here, in Lynn the city should hang its head in shame for doing so little to make life better in that school.
How is it that everyone around here in a position of responsibility, paid so well, pensioned so nicely and taken care of in every way, is able to throw his hands into the air and say nothing can be done?
It is sad but it is more pathetic and helpless than sad.
Can you imagine having your kid in such a school?
Turning A Negative Into A Positive Back Into A Negative
I hate to put a less than positive spin on this story, I mean everybody knows how supportive I am of the current administration. But I couldn't let this story pass without making a couple of observations. It seems to me the gist of this story is that we re getting good at failing and failing is what we need to get better. THERE IS HOPE FOR YOU HARRINGTON AND CONNERY!
"We can do better if you hold our feet to the fire"
It shouldn't have to come to this. In order to change the perception of our image, we should be filling the media with positive stories without a negative backdrop. Don't blame the Item, they are out to sell papers. They got a hard enough time with snotty, upstart bloggers vying for their share of the media market. NO, blame the LPS. It is their responsibility to spread the good news. They probably should have placed a PARENT with a SPECIAL NEEDS child in the PARENT LIAISON position who could have written those stories and at the same time gotten a troublesome BLOG off the market. Oh well!
Computers For A Cause!
I am passing on an e mail I got from the Treasure of the Highlands Coalition. Seems like a good deal but I am no tax lawyer, I'm not any type of lawyer but I play one in Divorce Court! Here goes:
I'm Back!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
And Your Name Is....?
I just hope he is better with the city's budget than he is with names. Oh well, he can call me Sally if he works on improving education in our city. A few current councilmen, the mayor, and other dignitaries shook my hand and complimented me on my NUMBERS. Everybody knows the WATCH.
Maybe now, I'll start getting invites, Shucks, the pizza tastes better if you're supposed to be there. I had to leave before they finished announcing all the politicians and dignitaries. I'm sure I was mentioned, it just might have been under an assumed name, Really it's alright not getting my name correct, it will be easier for me when I have to go into the "witness protection" program for sarcastic bloggers.
Looking For Juliet
On a night after ROMEO gets the boot from "Dancing with the Stars" Lynn Classical teacher Estelle Dill struts her stuff to benefit Classical's Koolie High Swag Team (gotta love that name). It's great to see teachers trying to keep in step with their students. All of the details about this innovative fundraiser are in the article so I encourage everyone to show their support and see the show!
Volume II
Confidential, Public?
Now after looking at my morning dose of Facebook I see where the CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY who was shut down or silenced when she tried to come before the LSC by "Gotta Go" Capano for trying to discuss personnel matters is contemplating a run for school committee herself. Bravo! It does my poet's heart good to imagine the possibility of seeing some poetic justice being brought to bear.
Remember "Gotta Go" Capano tried to use the personnel blanket to explain the keeping of secrets about our school system exposing our kids to alleged drug users.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Take Your Cues From "GQ"
Connect The Dots, All In A Rowe
So many questions, I wonder who's got answers? First off, who was rumored to be in line for the controversial position of a new Deputy Superintendent's position? No doubt, a mother can't be responsible for the actions of her adult son. BUT I wonder when her son's addiction problems started? Did who he was related to have any bearing on his hiring? What do you think? The fact that he was hired calls into question the wisdom and competence of those doing the hiring.
He has not been working at Ford very long. He was placed there as part of the cavalry to restore some semblance of order when "Coach K" was fired by the administration. This story was well documented by some of my previous blog entries.
If he was battling a drug addiction, not only why was he hired but was this position the "right fit" for him? Working in a "behavior class" is very stressful. Heck with him, what about the kids? They would not be in that class if they did not have difficulties of their own, but they have a RIGHT to a public education. The only "class" they need to be concerned with is where they get their education, not learning the different "classes" of narcotics.
Not Our Concern? Are You Serious? Drugs In Our Schools?
Don't you wonder how Patti "Gotta Go" Capano and "GQ" Spirito are throwing the "personnel matter" blanket over this incident to smother it? I mean someone working for the school department taking drugs drugs while they're are working is everybody's concern. What do you say parents?
Lynn teacher's aide arrested on drug charges
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Who's Responsible For Our Schools?
When you factor in the added cost for policing vandalism, drugs, gangs, and other related malfeasance that result from the failures of our educational system, that percentage grows. Behavior has to be learned. It is up to us to decide what is taught.
If we hope to teach our kids that they are responsible for their actions then we must show them that we are responsible for ours. We must hold the value of education high and hold all of our elected officials to that value.
Everyone and everything matters. That is why we need not give the candidates for city council a "homework pass" when it comes to our children's education. We need to check their answers for Lynn's education. We can't afford anymore remedial learning.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
What About STARs in Our Galaxy?
I was at the LSC meeting when a presentation was given for this program, I believe a day or two around the time it was offered to Swampscott. The LSC were polite to the officer but I don't know of any action that was taken. Maybe there was something at Classical. If so why aren't our kids getting the publicity, if not then why didn't we jump at the chance for this program.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Eating The Evidence
Rats, Monkeys, And Business As Usual
That was however when it was a "six foot" fence. Now after somewhat clandestine meetings between Buildings and Grounds subcommittee chairman JOHN FORD. LPD Officer Ferrari,and some school administration officials that a "four foot" would be sufficient if no better.
Because when the "agreement" for fence was publically reached it was to be six feet but when FORD and his posse met, they unilaterally decided the shorter fence would be sufficient. In fact it would be better due to camera angles and fields covered. The addition of 4 cameras gave even better coverage.
Do these changes actually provide for better solutions. Probably, but that's not the point. MAYOR KENNEDY, JOHN FORD, AND THE REST OF THE LYNN SCHOOL COMMITTEE gave their word on a garden "retrofit" to appease the abutters led by MRS. PULEO.
A six ft. fence is not going to keep the rats out any better than a four ft. fence. You won't find many vermin trying to scale the fence. They will just go under it. The added four cameras will make it easier to identify the guilty rats but it is the "monkey business" of not honoring publicly negotiated agreements that makes me wonder if a violation of some law has occurred. Was a "crime" committed? The police WERE involved. I forgot, they don't like getting into CIVIL matters. Don't I know it, remember four wives?
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Politics And Poetry
For Whom The Bell Tolls
I have to give it to the ITEM they are keeping time with education in Lynn. Learning is not all about reciting numbers and preparing for the MCAS. Recognizing all of the hard work accomplished makes for a better student all around!
Lynn students provide symphony of sound
Ford's Garden of Verse
Thank You Lynn School Committee!
I feel special even if I am not very pretty. To think all the important educational business came to a halt just because I couldn't go to the meeting. I hear JOHN FORD couldn't have made the meeting either, but they wouldn't have cancelled the meeting for him because even with his absence they would have had a quorum. Business could have went on as usual. Maybe not. Judging from the way the voting went last week, maybe his vote was needed for MONKEY BUSINESS. Still, I would rather think it was cancelled for me. CAN'T A POET GET A LITTLE RESPECT?
Clean Up, Clean Up, Everybody Do Their Share!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
No Altered States
The written transcript was not readily available then. When a concerned citizen asked Dr. Latham after last Sunday's State Of The City address why Mayor Kennedy did not mention more about the schools. A valid question. To her credit Dr. Latham then provided this person with a written transcript of her earlier remarks. That person then forwarded it to me and several other people. I have not had time yet to pour through the speech. I will.
It has been my contention and I have made it known during "open mike" at the LSC meeting that all such documents and communications should be put on-line. That way, pesky bloggers like the one "GQ" Spirito and Madame Mayor refereed to can't accuse them of hiding anything.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Went To PAC And Stayed For The Show
Don't forget the PARENT LIAISON sat with the SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS. What was her JOB TITLE again?
Where Was That Marriage Made Again?
I was late for the start of the PAC meeting because my BFF and I stopped by The Old Tyme Restaurant for Pickering PTO's fundraiser. I gotta support my peeps. Well we waited almost an hour for our food so we ended up getting it to go so we wouldn't miss any more of the meeting. I forgot my red power notebook on the table but the waitress ran it out to our car before we left. It pays to tip well.
When we get there, none other than DR LATHAM was there. With someone of that stature there it was almost like the "royal wedding". As it turns out Dr. Latham was there to bestow the title of "Parent Liaison" on Francis Martinez, formerly of "La Vida".
As it turns out Ms. Martinez has NO children in Special Needs and somebody help me out here, "What is her educational background? I missed that part of the meeting. Did they say why she left "La Vida"? I was at a recent school committee meeting where her former group put on a crackerjack presentation. I thought the school department gave them a 100K for there program. Did all the Spanish population suddenly move out of Lynn and no longer need whatever services "La Vida" provides?
Somebody out there must know how this woman was so much more qualified than me that I didn't even deserve acknowledgement of my interest. I am sure these mystery qualifications must exist because everybody knows how fair and above board the school department has been run.
I was a little bit concerned last night at the PAC though when Ms. Martinez sat a table with Her Highness Dr. Latham and her court, aristocrats Jessica and Lydia and did not mingle with us other commoners, otherwise known as PARENTS. What's her job title again?
Monday, May 2, 2011
Maybe We Should Do Lunch!
It just proves you never know when you're going to learn something. Here I was sitting in the front row yesterday, all dressed in black and the mayor starts off her speech pointing in my direction. I didn't suppose she was directing those remarks at me. I do have brain damage and it makes me walk a little funny, talk a little funny, and even lead to a mistaken arrest once for public intoxication. The damage has caused me some intellectual deficits and that is why I am not as smart as the mayor. The damage does not however cause me to suffer from delusions of grandeur so I did not think the mayor was talking to me.
So I was shocked after the speech when the mayor came up to shake my hand and told me she hoped that I did not take offense at her singling me out. I didn't, in fact I am kind of honored. I'm just surprised she thinks of me as her enemy. I mean I shaved and got a hair cut, the greatest degree of respect this poor humble poet can show (I learned all of this from my fashion idol "GQ" Spirito).
Standing by my seat I learned something else. In her speech the mayor talked about the delay in building a new middle school to replace Marshall was due to the fact that Lynn had closed three schools, Ford Annex, Fallon, and Facteau- Leary, all of whom had previously receive MSBA funds. I overheard Dr. Latham tell someone our most honorable mayor was wrong, that only Fallon had received MSBA monies and that the real problem was about the money pit that has become the NEW CLASSICAL HIGH SCHOOL.
Do you think somebody could get them to exchange phone numbers?
Arresting Development
What doesn't look so good is the effect this may have on the school's wallet. Where is the money coming froom to pay these valiant officers? Is he school footing the bill for their wages? Or is the city payig the freight? I mean, after all the school department did use some of their ARRA grant money to update the city's computer system. Anyway getting these officers is a good thing, from wherever they came. I just hope we learn how we can now afford them. Out in the open and above board.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Ball's In My Court
I can't wait to meet this person because those people down at the school department are educated people and have a crack lawyer in attorney Mihos, who wouldn't have let them put themselves in a position where they would open themselves up to a DISCRIMINATION lawsuit. Can you spell ADA?
It's Dangerous Out There!
Now I remind you mayor is a smart lady, smarter than me, but I can't say she is a better dresser than "GQ" Spirito. He is one sharp dressed man.The point of her verbal lance was how open she was to jousting over issues.
So after listening to her informative monologue, she opened up the forum for questions. Knowing that I am no match for her wits, I was still a little curious about something. Earlier in her speech she had touted the facts that both the city's and school department's budget had been put on line AFTER the budgets had been passed making commenting on it practically irrelevant at least going forward. So after she bragged about putting up the city's budget on-line this year in time to allow or public comment.
Being an inquisitive person I asked why since the school department accounts for about half of the city's budget perhaps maybe we should have the school department's budget on-line before passage. Right after some initial stumbling, the mayor kind of thought it was a good idea but then started laying out these complications like the "school committee would have to approve it and agreeing it was a good idea put the responsibility on THEM.Spoken like a true politician. I TOLD YOU SHE WAS A SMART LADY.
Mayor's Talk For Hunger!
I'm curious to see if the mayor is able to make any decision. Oh wait she won't have to here, it's just a speech. Oh well, there is supposed to be food there. I am hungry for answers but I guess I'll settle for appetizers.
Good Eats For A Good Cause
The event runs from 4 pm to 8 pm. Pick up some pasta for me.